Responses from jafox
Which IC is more important? "The upstream cable is always more critical because it affects everything downstream." No! It really comes down to how each component integrates with the rest of the system. And some links in the chain are far more critical than others. All this s... | |
Which IC is more important? Well I too am a believer that you start with the source but my cable experiences paint a much different picture. I have learned that there are two links in my system where cables make the biggest difference: line stage to amp and tonearm cable to ... | |
Maggies and subwoofers What exactly does "fast" mean? ... lack of bloated bass notes or boomyness? This is a term used so frequently here like rhythm and pace. I don't know why a sub needs to be fast if it's only driving the bottom octave. How would such a speaker "keep... | |
Maggies and subwoofers I think Oofda makes a good point here. As long as you go low on the crossover frequency, most subs will end up integrating well. I use a Velodyne ULD18 crossed over at 50hz with the Maggie 3.3s running full range. I don't run my signal through the... | |
Carl hears through Diamond Hello, I have quite a different experience with AQ Diamond interconnect cables. One of the aspects I seek in an audio system is its ambience, bloom and 3D. This is one thing about my system (ARC PH2/LS5II/DAC3II/VT130 and Maggie 3.3) that I really... | |
Audio Research Ref-1 vs sp10 mkII preamp Hello. I owned an SP-10 for 9 years (mid 80s to mid 90s). This was an awesome preamp for phono reproduction. When I finally bought a CD player, Pioneer PD65, the sound was ok but overall not musical. Was it partly the phono vs CD wars or was it al... | |
best used 5.1 dd/dts pre/pro? The Counterpoint HC808 Surround Processor and HC818 Line Stage are an excellent choice here. I use these now with great success. Each of these is in the $300-$500 range on the used market and also might still be available new at this price through... | |
Upgrade to balanced XLR interconnects? I sure don't mean to nit-pick against Transparent Ultra, but unless you have seriously compared other cables in your system, even the rather 2D sounding Audioquest Diamond had more treble extension, it's hard to say the Ultra is not rolled off. I ... | |
Audio Research SP-10 6922 or 6DJ8 I owned an SP-10 for 8 years in the 80s and found the RAM tubes to work very well. In the later years these were 6922. When I switched from the older 6DJ8, the sound was less noise and more resolution but I did not know if this due to newer tubes ... | |
Upgrade to balanced XLR interconnects? I have found that certain links in the chain are far more sensitive than others to cable changes. For me the biggest is between preamp (ARC LS5) and amp (ARC VT130). Both of these units only have balanced connections, so for me to use single-ended... | |
Best speaker cables for Revel Salons Before you go off to spend lots of money, $1000s plus, try out the SilverAudio cables. Great great resolution and a perfect match with tube gear. I use ARC tube preamp and amp with Magnepan speakers. Check out www.silveraudio.com for free home tri... | |
NBS Speaker Cables and Interconnects A few years ago I was on the hunt for an upgrade to my XLR interconnect between my preamp and amp (ARC LS5 and VT130). I had been using Straightwire Virtuoso which I quickly learned had much to do with my system's brightness. I borrowed an Audioqu... | |
Balanced pre-amps? I own an ARC LS5 MK II preamp which was the first truly balanced preamp from ARC. The LS2 and LS3 had XLR connections, but neither was a truly balanced unit. The LS5 has an awesome midrange bloom that is really second to none in the ARC lineup, ne... | |
Tubes in Audio Research Equipment: 6550 I have had an ARC VT130 for almost 4 years now. It was wonderful with KT88 (slovakia tubes). The midrange bloom was awesome. But the reliability with these tubes was terrible. One would die every month or so and with the goofy ARC design, a 100 oh... | |
Phono Cable If we are talking phono tonearm cables, the one to beat is the SilverAudio Silver Breeze. I use a balanced ARC PH2 and for 5 years I used the ARC balanced phono cable. When I tried the Silver Breeze, I could not believe all the detail and resoluti... |