Responses from jafox
B&K Ref 50 Processor Wow, so what do you really think about the B&K unit, forever?I own a B&K 50 and it works very well for movies and with music it is pretty good too. Just for the heck of it, I tried it in my audio system, replacing my BAT VK31SE, and of cou... | |
Horiz/Vert Biamping I am more confused as ever. Abex writes, "Horizontal to me is using an amp for the High\Mid Drivers for both channels and one for the Bass drivers for each channel, ..." In his case, one amp drives the top freqs and one amp drives the bottom freqs... | |
Do Transports Matter??? I seem to have a very different experience than most here. Either my Pioneer PD65 as a transport is incredibly excellent or my Muse Model 8 transport is not all that good as I have swapped back and forth these many times and I am still not sure if... | |
Experiences with Audio Research LS-2B I do not mean to undercut Jax here at all and yet I have a much different experience with the LS2B MK II. If you are buying this because of all the rave reviews you read from the great ARC preamps (SP6, SP8, SP10) that preceded the LS2, you will b... | |
are nbs cables neutral? Hello,I own both Statement II and Signature II XLR cables. Because of the different lengths, I have not made much effort to compare these two but the Signature is very very good.As for neutrality, compared to Cardas Golden Cross, the NBS is no whe... | |
Audio research PH1 alternatives ? Hello,I owned the PH2, the later balanced solid state phono stage to the single-ended PH1. Without a doubt, I would say that the PH2 was the most neutral audio product I have ever owned. This was one of those products that got very little attentio... | |
Review: Balanced Audio VK-31SE Tube preamp Hello,Thanks for the review. I too own a 31SE and have had it for about 3 months. I wish CD playback had been used in the review as this would have focused only on the line stage.My 31SE was upgraded from a 30SE. The 30SE had a wonderful bass and ... | |
Question for Ex-Maggie Owners Hello,I had Maggie 3.3s for 3+ years and enjoyed them immensely. But I always ran out of power with the tube amps, ARC VT130 and CL150s, that I had during the time. All the talk to use Bryston amps just did not do it for me as the Maggie magic was... | |
Home Theatre Amp Suggestions Hi Abex....Your idea is very much what I think I will end up doing. The thought of three 2-channel amps does not seem to be a cost-effective solution. To start with a nice 5-channel amp and then work to find a great 2-channel amp from the same com... | |
Home Theatre Amp Suggestions Hey thanks for the comments. I guess I was not very clear that in the HT system the speakers are changing to Talons: Khorus in front and Peregrine in back. Due to the higher sensitivity of these, over the Thiels, 100w will be mighty fine. I want v... | |
ARC SP 10....how good is it really???? This is always an interesting thread. For whatever reason the price for an SP10 on the used market is in the $2k+ range and I simply do not know why.I owned an SP10 for 8 years in the 80s. At the time I compared it to the SP11, MFA Luminescence(in... | |
Krell Pre with ARC Amps - how 'bout that? Why on earth would you want to do this? Would be like putting a Geo Metro engine in a Ferrari!I have found the preamp to be a far more significant link in the chain than the amp. This is one part of the system where you do not want the weakest lin... | |
Comparing pre amps and the upgrade dilema I had an LS5II for 6 years then sold it which was dumb so I turned right around and got another. Then I sold that for a MK III for just a couple hundred $$ more. The MK III is much more refined than the II...particularly with a more natural top en... | |
Which brand of speaker cable with NBS? I would think the speaker cable interface between the amp and speaker would be more important than the IC driving the amp. There are always so many great deals on MIT cables and even though I am an NBS owner, I have found the MIT cables to be outs... | |
Experiences with Audio Research Tube Amps. Hello,I had the VT130 for about two years driving Maggie 3.3 speakers. Much of the time, there was enough power but there were definitely times when the amp peaked out. But it was very much a soft clipping. Ideally, this is not a good match. I the... |