
Responses from jallan

Best light weight full range speaker recommendation.
You might try the ATC SCM40, I think they weigh about 60 pounds each (I have the SCM35's). They punch well above their weight in price. A3 Magicos are what I would do above these- they weigh 110 pounds.  
Replacement for current speakers suggestions
I think MC made the suggestion in good faith. When he is writing about audio, I listen to him closely. I second Magnepan 1.7's for what you describe. That tube amp you have will likely have enough oomph to drive them to pleasurable levels. I am 64... 
Horn speakers are really bright?
I would agree that the classic Klipsch speakers sound very different with different amplifiers. The phasing issues between drivers may contribute, as does refraction in the horn enclosures themselves in the sound I hear, and can be exacerbated by ... 
Horn speakers are really bright?
Most horns to my ears sound like swords ripping the music. There is a searing, tearing edge, made worse if, for example, you try to run Khorns with a Crown DC300a as I was forced to do in a shop I sold at.I heard this tearing sound, along with the... 
Capital Audiofest, save thyself!
+1 for the Command Performance room. This was a devilishly hard room to control with angled nooks and crannies at the rear. The sound treatment deployed was a master class in tackling the issues, resulting in the encompassing soundstage as describ... 
A Newcomer to Digital Looking to Upgrade My Dac, Tubes? Ideas?
+1 for Yggdrasil, far better than vinyl for equivalent price in my experience  
Plate current on Cary SLP05
Mine runs at 30 and sounds great. I, too, am confused  
Still happily using vintage gear?
I recently replaced a 41 year old Audio Research SP6B and a 46 year old GAS Ampzilla with a Cary SLP05 ultimate upgrade and SST Son of Ampzilla II. Old stuff still sounds good, both well maintained with Ampzilla recapped and retransistorized, but ... 
3 New UBER Decks - Is this Turntable's SwanSong? 🦢
Back in the day when I was selling stereo equipment putting myself through school, we had both a Revox A700 and B77 in the store. Also sold B&O. I slummed with an Ariston RD11S at home with a Grace arm.the Revox decks had substantially more “s... 
Low budget vintage preamp or new
I have an SP6B preamp, a fine choice if you need a phono preamp too. If you don’t, I would go with the Schiit Freya+. My Schiit Saga is more resolving than my SP6B, although does not reproduce the illusion of depth as well. You should consider the... 
Audio Research I/50
I am really happy to see this product. Moving back towards bang for the buck, made in USA without ridiculous bling. If I was looking to downsize or building a compact system, it would be this.  
Perfect match for ATC speakers
I have had ATC speakers for 18 years. The Entry Level speaker line (can ATC market their products any worse?) are different animals than the ruthlessly revealing SCM 20’s with their 80 db efficiency, and are a bit less stark on the top.First thing... 
Magico A3 price increases 50%+
I think the point that high end audio prices for some brands have been dramatically increasing vastly faster than inflation is a good one. It alienates people in the hobby.  
Vintage tubes - facts, science, technology & empirical evidence VS. marketing, myth & hype
I scratch my head at some of the things written by tube “experts.” I have been using tubed audio equipment since 1976. I used to change the tubes out in my preamp and amp every year because the sound started degrading immediately, losing slam and ... 
To Stream or Not to Stream
I have n Aurender paired with a Schiit Yggdrasil GS, and stream Quboz and Tidal. Highly recommend this combo!