Responses from james_edward
Bache- Tribeca- 001- Upgraded- THE BEST (w/ Wolf & Exogal) I belong to an audio club in NY, and Bache speakers were presented for audition. It’s been over a year, so I can’t recall specifics, but I do remember really liking their full bodied sound. IIRC, someone bought them midway through the meeting. In ... | |
Can neighbors remote impact your system functions? My in-wall a/c remote would interact with my system- it took me a bit to realize it. Changing temp or fan speed would pause the cd player and/ or turn it off. So there certainly can be unintended interactions. Without involving the neighbor it mig... | |
Muraudio SP1 Speakers ?.. Not a lot to go on, but I heard these several years ago at RMAF. They were showing- pretty sure- with Wolf Audio electronics. I thought they were great. When you go to shows, it really says something to stand out- there are so many rooms. Hate to ... | |
Playing Vinyl in a Cold Room A small electric heater. Don't make more of it than necessary. From an old old old listener. In two weeks it won't matter. Something else will. Don't stress. | |
Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers? Erik beat me to it. They make a great product and are not priced in the stratosphere. I had an original VTF-2 and it was great. Their Variable Tuning Frequency design gives you more flexibility to tune the sub to your room. They have as good a ret... | |
Monitor Audio Silver RX6 Spike Thread size? Take a trip to Home Depot or a hardware store. I'd bet they are either 1/4" or M6 (metric). 1/4" has a fine and coarse thread available- get both. Just buy one of each size, and maybe one size larger and one size smaller.See which screw goes in wi... | |
Need 20 - 25 foot spk cables. I also need 22 and 25 ft. lengths due to domestic equipment placement, and thoroughly enjoy AntiCables. They were one of the only affordable solutions for me.I won't pretend that I know if they'll work in your situation and with your speakers, but... | |
Open Baffle vs Box You didn't ask me specifically, but to me, OB bass surrounds you rather than punches you. This is not a quality judgement, they can both be great. In my case, where my room is less than ideal, the Spatial OB sound works better than box; though it ... | |
Open Baffle vs Box Yeah, don't get the distortion thing at all. Great speakers, those Spatials... I sent you a rather lengthy PM; any other questions, feel free. I'm on Long Island if you want a listen. | |
30 Watts of class A power: What Speakers are you using and suggesting? I use Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S speakers with a Luxman class A 30 WPC integrated amp (L-590AX MK2). I love the combination. | |
Imported audio are you getting the same level of performance vs domestic priced equip? Millercarbon, go on a politically oriented site for your bs. | |
Klipsch K Horns (the new AK6) Forget the specs, measurements, etc., etc., etc. To this 59 year old, they are, without peer, THE coolest looking speaker ever. If I had the corners, they’d be in my house. It’s unfortunate that the review used what I think is black ash for the ph... | |
Speaker Break In...? Or listener “Break In”? In my opinion, break in is real, with speakers more than electronics. Having said that, I also believe that if you don’t like the sound of a piece of equipment out of the box, no amount of break in is going to change that. The change is small, not... | |
PSB Imagine T3 If I understand your question correctly, you are contemplating an upgrade from Stratus Gold i’s to the T3.I would NOT do this on faith, thinking the newer speaker is better. I have a fair amount of experience with the Gold and Gold i; both were/ar... | |
Zu audio Soul Supreme vs Prana Fidelity Bhava I have heard both at RMAF. I know audio is subjective, so this is my opinion only, but the Prana speaker to my ears sounds more like music than the Zu. Zu (again subjective), to me, sounds like cardboard. But they sell a lot of speakers, so I supp... |