Responses from jasonbourne71
Power Cable Audioquest Dragon vs Isotek EVO3 Ascension A 14 gauge power cord will easily handle 15 amps! No need for anything else! Stop listening to the untutored! The sound of any component starts with the power supply - not with the wire to the wall outlet! | |
Power Cable Audioquest Dragon vs Isotek EVO3 Ascension Seriously all the current your amp can use is limited by the breaker box. Those are typically 15 amps. No matter the gauge of the power cord to the wall outlet all you will get is a maximum of 15 amps. So no arc welding for you! | |
Power Cable Audioquest Dragon vs Isotek EVO3 Ascension Only if you plan to use your amp for arc welding! | |
Vacuum tube amplified headphones... Plenty of choices already for those desiring a tube-output headphone amp! Anyway, I am unfamiliar with the cold-vacuum device they plan to use. How does it compare to the standard triode tube? | |
Vacuum tube amplified headphones... Their claim that tubes are better for music listening is a spurious claim that won't stand up in court! | |
Best Receiver? All the NAD receivers sound excellent and are an easy recommendation! | |
Vacuum tube amplified headphones... "It sounds to me like I am listening on vinyl" - LOL! Plenty of falsehoods here! | |
Would Luxman work well with JBL? For $1100 the pair of Luxman M02/C02 amp/preamp pair is a bargain that the OP should jump on! I have the C02 in my collection of preamps. It is a quality piece! | |
Bridged amps vs stereo vs monoblocks. @dain : I recommend changing the bridged amp back to stereo and using only one channel for one speaker. As you are already doing with the other amp and speaker. Because each two-channel amp has a single power transformer this will benefit both am... | |
Bridged amps vs stereo vs monoblocks. A bridged GAS Son (80wpc) will output 240 watts into 8ohms and run considerably hotter. Most solid state amps will triple their wpc rating when used as a mono bridged amp. | |
Bridged amps vs stereo vs monoblocks. A bridged solid state amp will see half the speaker impedance and output twice the current into the speaker load. The penalty is hotter running conditions for the pair of amps. Tube amps cannot be bridged. Instead a stereo tube amp can drive one s... | |
Metronome Le Dac 2 Review @eagle3333 : I forsee a career for you in ad copy writing! | |
A B JPS evaluation From 1992 to 2015 I used a twenty-foot pair of Mogami 2477 Blue Neglex 14ga OFC copper cables to connect to my KLH Nine full-range ESL's. I bought it from my local HiFi dealer as an intact 40-foot piece that he received as a demo. I paid $1 a foot... | |
A B JPS evaluation Anyway, you will need to borrow a pair of Aluminata's to do an A/B comparison. Why do you have the itch to replace the SC3's? Wire is not like a vacuum tube where use leads to a decline in performance. These wire companies spin a tale to justify s... | |
A B JPS evaluation Spend the big bucks because then confirmation bias will make you hear an improvement. |