

Responses from jaytor

Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments?
Schiit designs and builds products that deliver excellent value at lower price points, and does all their manufacturing in the US. This approach appeals to a lot of customers which has allowed them to grow very rapidly over the past ten years. But... 
Something amazing - what would you buy
I'd recommend against spending so much on a projector. The technology is changing to fast and you'll find yourself wanting to upgrade in a few years and your investment Will have depreciated dramatically. At one point, I spent a rediculous amount ... 
Balanced vs. Unbalanced Inputs
RCA connectors can't carry a balanced signal. You need to use cables with XLR connectors to support balanced.  
Schiit amps, freya preamp
I'm pretty sure the Freya+ isn't fully balanced. It converts balanced to single-ended and back to balanced on the outputs. It's still a nice preamp for the money. I owned one of the original Freya preamps for a little while and thought it had a ni... 
Upgraded cords for linear power supplies?
I'm sorry to bring this up again, but if the spec of your power supply is an AC output, it is NOT a linear power supply, even it the (Swagman) box it is in is labeled as such. Why do you say this isn't a linear power supply? It looks like it ha... 
High end Class D amps?
I don't have access to the documentation for the Hypex modules used on these amps, but the connector is the same (except for one status line) as the Purifi module. There is no provision on the Purifi connector to bypass the driver circuitry. I sup... 
Class D
@audio2design Yes, that is what I meant. Sorry if my language wasn't clear.  
Class D
As @audio2design points out, EPDR does not apply to class D amplifiers. However, the efficiency at which a class D amplifier operates is reduced as load impedance goes down since the output transistors will be conducting more current during their ... 
What did your system look like 30 years ago?
Goldmund Studio turntable with T3 tonearm (T3F I think)Denon DL-103 cartridgeAudio Research SP-11 PreampSpectral CD Player (I think the SDR-1000 SL)Cello Audio PaletteKrell MDA-300 monoblocksDuntech Sovereign speakers 
High end Class D amps?
Based on the photos of the inside of the Rogue “tubeD” amp, the amp uses a standard class D module with a proprietary tube input stage and a linear power supply.  
Recommendation Temporary DAC
BiFrost doesn’t have an AES input which is what the OP was looking for.  
Recommendation Temporary DAC
Could mean that the OP is using an AES/EBU connection.  There aren't too many < $1K dacs with AES inputs, but the two mentioned in the OP do. There are plenty of DACs with balanced outputs though.  
Has Anybody Had Success Going from Ethernet Streaming to USB Streaming?
I have recently made this kind of switch, but I also added a new component that makes a big difference. I was using a Roon ROCK NUC, through an EtherRegen to a Bryston BDP-2 streamer and then via AES to my Terminator DAC. I tried connecting the NU... 
Bryston BDP-1 vs Bluesound Node 2i
I have seen a few people comment that they hear a difference between Roon and other apps. Before I started using Roon a few years ago, I was using jriver and didn't notice any change in SQ switching to Roon. At the time, I was using a Windows PC a... 
Recommendation for a replacement speaker cable
The PTFE tubing can be found at McMaster-Carr for a good price. https://www.mcmaster.com/ptfe-tubing/high-temperature-tube-sleeving/Thanks for the pointer to get the silver wire. - Jay