

Responses from jaytor

Subwoofers: Ported or sealed?
@phusis - I am currently crossing them over at around 180Hz. My main speakers are dipole line arrays which start to roll off around 200Hz, so this crossover point blends well. The sub towers with the plate amps I'm using won't play much higher tha... 
Subwoofers: Ported or sealed?
Another option to consider is open baffle, if you have the room. I am really enjoying the bass from my open baffle subs, and prefer the bass quality compared to the sealed and ported subs I have had in the past. To me, it sounds much more natural ... 
DSP Active Crossover
@ricevs - I have been using the dspNexus as the DAC/preamp, so I'm feeding it USB audio directly (no conversion from analog). I don't think it makes sense to use my Terminator + and preamp ahead of the dspNexus.  I agree that the dspNexus could b... 
DSP Active Crossover
@ricevs - Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time to work with this yet. I've been buried with work (I run an ecomm business and do all the coding - getting ready for the holidays) so this has taken a back seat. Setting up the dspNexus means I ... 
Who is using I2S cables?
@marco1 - It is available, but it is not in full production yet. They are still working on the software and an upgraded DSP module.  I do have one and have been playing around with it for the past few weeks. I haven't had a lot of time to spend o... 
Who is using I2S cables?
@marco1 - yes, I agree. I am currently using the Gaia with AES3 which works well, but I think an Iris connected over i2s could still be an improvement.  I am playing around with a DSP active crossover (dspNexus by Danville Signal) which would rep... 
Who is using I2S cables?
@donruydesilva - I had the same experience as @soix using my Denafrips Gaia and Terminator Plus DAC. Even a low cost HDMI cable was a nice improvement over AES and USB.  Unfortunately, Denafrips's latest FPGA update for the Terminator Plus makes ... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
@elliottbnewcombjr - The Carver amp is not class D. It uses a class G output stage. This is essentially class A/B with multiple supply rails which are switched in based on the signal level, so in most situations, the amp is using relatively low 25... 
I need advice on Dissimilar runs using XLR
I have tried both equal length and different length XLR cables and I could not tell the difference. However, this was with a preamp with plenty of drive (low output impedance) into a fairly high impedance input. It's possible that a high capacitan... 
DSP Active Crossover
@mijostyn - that looks like a nice piece of gear. Do you know what DSP it is using? I think the Danville dspNexus 2/8 is an excellent value at $3K, but currently doesn't have software as simple to use as products like the DEQX. You have to be fai... 
DSP Active Crossover
I've read a lot of posts over the past few years from audiophiles that have switched to active crossovers and I can't remember any cases where the poster didn't feel switching to active was an improvement. It's obviously more complicated, but has ... 
DSP Active Crossover
I've made some progress with the dspNexus. This product is still considered an "early adopter" release. The main limitation is documentation. But I've had a couple of video conferences with Emilson, Danville's software engineer, and now have a pre... 
GIK alternatives
For basic absorption panels, I've also had good luck with Silent Source, particularly their Guilford of Maine wrapped "Acoustic Wall Panels". These do not have any wood framework - they are made from PCF glass fiberboard with resin-hardened edges.... 
Anyone buy one yet? Thoughts?
If I was in the market for a streamer, I'd probably give this a shot. I've been pretty impressed with the price-performance of Denafrips gear. I use Roon with Qobuz and Tidal subscriptions as well as a fair amount of local files. I don't really ca... 
DSP Active Crossover
@lewinskih01  I received the dspNexus a few days ago, but I've been buried with work so haven't had a chance to do anything with it yet. I've got a measurement mic on order that should be here early next week. I'm hoping to find some time in the ...