

Responses from jaytor

Best place to live for good quality power
According to my PS-Audio Power Plant, my incoming AC at my audio system (Portland, OR) is typically119.5-119.7 VAC with 2.2% to 2.3% THD.   
Totem Mani-2 vs Devialet Phantoms Gold
I've owned the Mani-2s for about 15 years. I now use them in my workshop but they were in my main system for a while. The bass from such small enclosures is quite impressive But to achieve this low frequency performance, they are not very sensitiv... 
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
@deep_333 - Yes, Alvin provides a link to the original firmware as well as the new updated firmware, so you can switch back if you aren't happy.   
300b lovers
@lynn_olson @donsachs @atmasphere - Thanks for your responses. My system is bi-amped with a SS amp driving the lower three octaves, so I'm primarily concerned about upper bass on up. I'm pretty happy with my current DIY 300B PSET monoblocks, but I... 
300b lovers
@lynn_olson - First, let me state that I've really enjoyed your, Don's and Ralph's discussion of amplifier design and tradeoffs. I've been intrigued by Alan Wright's designs (I'm currently building a line stage preamp inspired by the RTP3D). You'... 
SET Lovers, what's the one solid state amp you love(d)?
I liked my Pass XA60.8s (now gone) but they weren't quite as good as my PSET 300B monoblocks.  
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update
@liquidsound - I've been using the NOS mode over the last couple weeks. Before the update, I thought NOS was too dull sounding, but I'm liking the way it sounds now. However, I haven't done any critical listening since shortly after doing the upg... 
When Will the DAC Singularity Be Reached?
I think the quality of Delta-sigma DAC chips had gotten very good and will continue to subtly improve, but there is more to a really good DAC than these chips. Quality clocks, output stages, power supplies, enclosures, and even connectors, are qui... 
Couple of simple forum website suggestions
@middlemass - this should not be necessary, and some of the websites I use for my work break when an ad blocker is used. Besides, I want this forum to continue and using an ad-blocker takes the revenue away from them necessary to maintain the site... 
300b lovers
@atmasphere - makes sense. Thanks for the detailed explanation.  
300b lovers
@atmasphere - If the input of the next component is balanced and not referenced to ground (e.g. transformer coupled), I don't understand why it is necessary to decouple the output in the source component from any ground reference to achieve the fu... 
Couple of simple forum website suggestions
@lowrider57 - I understand the need for ads to support forums like this. Incentivizing users to install an ad blocker to get around less-than-optimal website design is truly a bad business decision on the part of Audiogon, particularly for somethi... 
SGC vs Roon Nucleus
I am currently using a SGC i9 Optical and am very happy with it. I got it almost two years ago. Andrew has been helpful with fast responses when I had some questions.  I was previously using a DIY i7 NUC in a fanless case running Roon ROCK. This ... 
Let the Games Begin
There are a few key things left out of this analysis. But I should preface this "critique" by stating I'm a fan of digital music and no longer own a turntable or other purely analog source. This analysis assumes that the analog source signal has ... 
Buying Used Equipment on the Internet
Another good place to look is an audio store local to me. The move a lot of used gear and have excellent deals. Echo Hifi