
Responses from jazzman7

Comparing Powerline Ethernet to WiFi for streaming audio
I have been using Netgear power line Ethernet adapters in different parts of the house for the last 6 years.  For the most part I have had great success, but learned early on that what works well on one outlet or room of the house may not work so ... 
Trying to wrap my head around ripping CDs and any loss of data that occurs...
I'd start with ripping the CDs with zero compression.  That means either as uncompressed FLAC files or as WAV files (which by definition are uncompressed).   My preference is FLAC because it provides for better handling of metadata.  For software,... 
Streaming from Bluesound Node2i
mizikeI access Blu OS app via IPAD, PC and Android phone.I also access Bluesound devices via Roon, also using all three of the above devices, but for Roon prefer IPAD and PC to Android phone, mostly because Roon seems to demand more screen real es... 
Thiel Owners
Started with CS .5 in 1996.  Targeted and finally acquired 2.4s in 2011.    
Streaming from Bluesound Node2i
The short answer is yes ... by either 75 ohm Coax digital cable or by Toslink. 1st generation Node N100 only supports Toslink. Node 2 and Node 2i support both Coax and Toslink. So as long as your stand alone DAC supports either Coax or Toslink you... 
Thiel Owners
In case anyone is interested, today TMR has listed an amberwood pair of Thiel CS 2.2s.  Asking $1199 ... Condition 8 out of 10. https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/thiel-cs-2-2-floorstanding-speakers-amberwood-pair-2-2/  
Chord Qutest DAC
If you play hi res sources that are at better than CD quality, you will see colors other than red through the Qutest porthole. 
Chord Qutest DAC
I have Chord Qutest and leave it on all the time.In my case I have replaced the stock power supply with a Small Green Computer 5V Linear Power Supply. This drops the noise floor a smidge. With respect to CDs. 44.1 kHz 16 bit is the Redbook CD stan... 
Basic Digital Audio Setup Advice
@travisnordgren - Have Roon Nucleus in my main rig feeding Chord Qutest via Curious USB Cable. Have Melco N1A functioning as a combination NAS and ethernet line purifier with Nucleus tethered via ethernet cable (AQ Cinnamon) to Melco's player port... 
Roon Power Supply
@thinman2 - I currently have my Roon Nucleus connected via Curious USB Cable to a Chord Qutest.  I like this combination very much.  The system with all its details can be found here: https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8156 All that is missing... 
Anyone using IFI Powerstation
@saleh84 Thanks much for your response ... especially for the comparison to the Niagara 1000.  Are you currently using it with any digital source components? 
Roon Power Supply
Sbooster 19 volt linear power supply. Just got one a couple of weeks ago to use with my Roon Nucleus which I use as my network player in my main rig. The power supply is a good sized brick, almost as large as the Nucleus itself. Well made plastic ... 
Informative books about Audio
The Complete Guide to High-End Audio - Fifth Edition by Robert Harley. 
Can we talk streamers based on UI rather then SQ?
flavo,I still don't think switching to a different streamer or brand of streamer is going to solve the problem of your streamer "dropping your files".  I just checked my Node 2i User Manual which I have saved as a PDF on my PC.   I did a find on a... 
Can we talk streamers based on UI rather then SQ?
flavo,I use the Melco HD app only with my Melco N1A music server which also functions as my systems NAS. Roon I use with my Roon Nucleus as well as my Bluesound kit. I also use BluOS with my Bluesound players. I’m still guessing that you are exper...