Responses from jazzonthehudson
Conrad Johnson CAV 50 Jond, a little trust would not be misplaced. After all, I had the CAV50 and, as mentioned, owned most CJ tube gear."control amplifier" is how marketing people tried to differentiate it from an integrated amp. rolyasm, has your CAV50 been diagnosed... | |
Footers under big heavy speakers (Stillpoints Ultra 5, Sistrum rack, Finite Elements,..?) For my Duntech Black Knights in my home theater setup with wooden floor on concrete, I have tried the following: BDR cones + pucks, Symposium Svelte shelves, and Star Sound Sistrum SP004. The BDR alternative is good (better than none) but also the... | |
Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all Thanks for the update Tim! I was planning to try the multi-stranded 24awg speaker cable but now can easily add the bi-wiring to my existing WE10 ones. Unfortunately, the HFC SC is still better in terms of speed, dynamics and detail. As for PC, m... | |
Conrad Johnson pv15 vs classic 2 se Haven't heard the Classic 2SE but I would recommend the ET3, better still the ET3 SE or CT5 (that strikes a perfect balance between musicality and precision) over the PV15 that IME is a tad too warm. | |
Conrad Johnson 150 integrated jafant, the only way to find out about it is to own one... | |
Conrad Johnson CAV 50 I have had most CJ tube gear, including the PV10 and MV50 and I am pretty sure the CAV50 is based on the PV10/MV55 circuitry (I talked to the tech dept before buying the CAV50 as I liked the MV50 and had it for nearly a decade). In fact, the power... | |
For the owners of NAD M25, what was your next step, if any? No comments? Even during the holiday period so I assume it is not that easy or obvious to find a worthy successor without paying much more. Now I am thinking to give it to a local mod shop to improve the performance of at least two channels so I c... | |
Conrad Johnson 150 integrated Had one but not for too long, incredible value for money (ARC countered with its CA50 based on 6922/6550 but had to withdraw from the market only after one year), typical CJ sound but for my application lacked the power and dynamics I was looking ... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... electroslacker: the 5A 250V will work both in Europe (220/240V) and the US. Fuses are supposed to blow when the specified current is exceeded (give or take a couple percent).Tom: you piqued my interest as I never tried DIYing magnets before. I do ... | |
What vintage speaker might you use today Did I miss anyone mentioning a Vandy? Their model 2Ce is a keeper. Phase coherent led to me to Thiel (loved their 2.2 and 3.5) and Dunlavy (SC IV). Still using the Sovereigns and Black Knights. | |
Footers under big heavy speakers (Stillpoints Ultra 5, Sistrum rack, Finite Elements,..?) What a lively discussion and thanks for the additional suggestions! Re Herbie's Fat Gliders, I tried them before, pretty good but preferred the Symposium Svelte. Re StillPoints and Townshend Audio Seismic Pods combo: I read your comments yesterda... | |
Does anyone have an opinion about the new P S Audio Bridge 2 ? For the average audiophile user PS Audio is doing a lousy job on their web (and support site) in helping their customers setting up the Bridge. Install and forget per their little video? Don't think so! I have the Bridge I and apparently it has so... | |
Latest Absolute Sound .. from audio to cars, there is no way this thread will end (somehow I suspect taters keeps on digging on those rhetorical Freudian questions)Expensive cars is all about emotions, let’s be honest, how many of Ferrari F40 owners have driven them on... | |
Conrad Johnson CAV 50 I am not a tube techie but judging from the symptoms described you may have a leaky coupling cap; usually 0.22mF 600V. If you call CJ, their engineer (Jeff) will probably ask you to ship it in for repair as you already did the swapping of the (EL3... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Knghifi, Try the AH in stead of the Isoclean, you will thank me for that.David,my son plays the violin, also all-state and the WA Quantum chip is still sitting there.Generally, I have max. ONE fuse with the WA chip per device and have noticed no n... |