
Responses from jb0194

When I have seen people listing their systems lately
I grew up with physical media and, gratefully,  have held on to my lps, cassettes and cds along with the devices to play them. I've no problem with most folks using a computer/variant as source. Just  not gonna move on from what I have. Much new m... 
Elac B5 and B6??? Just another flash in the pan speaker?? or worth it
I bought B6s for background music in my toddler grandson's basement rec room. Squeezebox Touch through autoformer passive through Pass Aleph clone amp. They are warmish, but very pleasant to listen to.  Worth thec $227 I paid. For a $1000ish syste... 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
The current Audio Mirror 6C33C SET monoblocks are a bargain at their price compared to BAT and Lamm models. I am very happy with them. 
Your jaw dropping cables
ZenWave D4 cables do it for me.Like the top Siltech at a fifth or less the cost. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Halcro, I agree with you completely that the Bayonne Bridge will be less attractive with the raised deck. I spent my youth living in the shadow of the original design.  We used to jog the walkway, summer and winter, with a spectacular view of the ... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Halcro:Not quite bridge design, but google the "Bayonne Bridge roadway raising". Still the world's 4th longest single arch at nearly 100 years old, only the original arch will remain when work is completed in 2017. I visited family in Bayonne last... 
Best Cables for around $500
From among the O.P.'s list I would take the Antipodes Komako. A great product,  and a bargain at the used prices I've seen over the past few years.  
SP10mk2: OMA Graphite plinth vs.Dobbins plinth
I've received my "Obsidian Inspired" plinth. I had Acoustand install "type 1 black delrin height adjustable feet" from Ebay UK seller "kridon-image". The plinth has the simple look I was after. The black delrin feet blend nicely. Both plinth and f... 
beryllium vs diamond
I so enjoy "the older material" Skaaning midrange drivers used in my loudspeakers. I suspect (with tongue firmly in cheek) the implementation must overcome their polypropylene pedigree. Keeping to topic, my loudspeakers implement Accuton diamond t... 
SP10mk2: OMA Graphite plinth vs.Dobbins plinth
Yes, Chakster, I'm getting the "Obsidian Inspired" plinth in satin black/medium oak veneer. I customized with adjustable black Delrin feet (from a UK mfr near Acoustand) that raise the plinth about 2cm higher than the sorbothane feet pictured on t... 
Is no preamp really better that a good preamp?
I've had issues with excess gain in systems over the years - but nothing remotely approaching the excess gain I'd be forking over to the maker of that $13k passive preamp should I be foolish enough to buy one. 
SP10mk2: OMA Graphite plinth vs.Dobbins plinth
Chakster,My Acoustand SP10 MK2 plinth should be finished this week. My SP-10 is out to Bill Thalmann for routine tuneup, so I'll likely not hear it in the new plinth until November. I'll try to remember to post my impressions . 
Room correction - what device works best?
The Rives PARC has been a nice addition to my system, as I have a large peak node at 90 Hz and a broad hump of excess energy between 160 and 400 Hz at my listening spot, without flexiblity in changing loudspeaker or listening positions. I also pre... 
Comments on interconnect cables
You should consider Zen Wave Audio D4 interconnects. I find them similar to Siltech G6 Forbes Lake, only even more natural sounding. The D4 are the best I've used, allowing me to sell the much costlier Siltechs. FWIW, I still own a pair of HT Magi... 
Signet XK50 works very well with high compliance MM cartridges.