
Discussions jc4659 has started

Group delay in subwoofers359315
Daughter needs something better than iPhone for music. Help!10677
Would like to hear from Ayre owners especially those who dared to venture.29358
Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?7444117
Isolation transformer for laptop charger?295810
Ultimate Test Record Question13900
Ayre Codex dac and headphone connections question32185
Does my laptop need to be grounded when charging?44589
Ayre owners and preamp options: seeking advice418218
Isolation Transformers: my experience and concerns149517
Worth rebuilding Linn troika or fix shelter 501II?62313
FLAC, WAV or AIFF question682518
AQ Jitterbug for USB40617
Ayre phono settings question27283
Question for Audio Alchemy VITB phono preamp users50094