How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase

I plan on buying a McIntosh system C12000 and 2 MC611 monoblocks in a about 3 months from this Stereo shop I have chosen. I’ve been to the store about 4 times over the past year and half to listen to various components trying diff equipment.

My question, is, what would be considered visiting the store to much before I buy a system? I plan on spending over 20k but I didn’t know what is proper etiquette.


It's sad you have to worry about this, esp if they've made you feel this way. I can imagine if it's Best Buy or some other big box busy store they may see you as a "cry wolf", situation. But most hifi stores of the caliber who carry the equipment you're looking for should understand this: "Today's dreamers are tomorrow's buyers!" If they act put off by you, keep bothering them all you want and when you find the exact pieces you want, buy them elsewhere.