

Discussions jfrech has started

Symposium Ultra vs SRA942010
Review: Purist Audio Design Opis Interconnect90281
Review: Purist Audio Designs Venustas and Opis Interconnect188088
TT belts...clean before ??25592
Lighting, Halogen?, and hi end stereos...27472
Kimber Palladian power cord vs. Non Palladian...102725
Help Audiophile jcfrech stuck in Tokyo-for ...43567
Top phono cartrige to match jfrech's system ...932117
Good source for 6c33c-b tubes...and good price?160996
Severe Static/Slight Hum SME 20/2 w/BAT49225
It must be love, she got me a ??? for Christmas370710
RFI issues in phono stage-one channel only ??39425
Who has gone from a vk60 to a vk75se? vk60 monos?34574
How much better are the Classic 45 rpm vs 33 LPs?52357
Do new tubes undergo break-in like other devices?671515