
Responses from jfuquay

Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs)
I can’t do better than Atmasphere’s response. But I will add my 2 cents. I have built several Nelson Pass diy designs, both power amps and preamps, all Class A of course, and I use them in two different systems in my home. I will say there is a sw... 
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
Here’s how I think of it. In a lab, sound waves hit a microphone, are converted to electrical signals, travel to a preamp/amp, where they are amplified, and measured. In human experience, sound waves hit an ear drum, continue to the inner ear, whe... 
Power regeneration - good idea? PS audio?
I have the entry-level PS Audio P3 feeding my Class-D Rogue amp and my sources. I think it lowers noise floor and improves articulation. I listen to mostly acoustic and classical, so I find it worthwhile. Maybe not the most “bang for the buck” $15... 
How many systems do you have?
Three. All aimed at acoustic music but with different ways to get there. It’s brand name, high-power components plus vinyl in the listening room, then low-power, class-A Pass DIY amplification with high-sensitivity DIY speakers in the family room,... 
Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?
I have run my Pass diy Amp Camp monoblocs in both, each time with a Pass diy preamp — the Zen Balanced Line Stage  and the (SE) B1 Korg Nutube model. (The DAC is also balanced output.) The ZBLS has both outputs, but I think the Amp Camps definitel... 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
Apple Music has a nice “British Invasion” playlist. I was also surprised occasionally to see that somebody I thought was American was British. The only clique I recall — in jr. hi, since I’m so old —  was Beatles vs. Stones. Or maybe the folks who... 
Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.
Very sensible. Steve usually brings a healthy measure of practicality to his videos. I’ve got a nice vinyl collection and setup, and enjoy the whole LP experience, but hey, I’m nearly 70. I also choose to pay for newspaper home delivery, but if yo... 
How long does Class A have?
As long as the speaker I want needs/wants a lot of juice (Magnepan at present), I’ll likely use a Class D power amp, likely preceded by a tube or Class A front end. But I am one of those who also finds Class A has a certain appeal with high-effici... 
More watts or better power ?
I wonder if given how good your system is now, a good power regenerator might not make sense. I got the same PS Audio email and as I recall one of their power regenerators has an offer on it. I personally bought a P5, their smallest unit, and noti... 
When someone listens to your system for the first time.
I’ve put together a system to present acoustic music at its best, and I like it. But when my brother came over and wanted to hear The Rolling Stones, I knew he was about to be underwhelmed. “I want to feel a punch in my chest,” he says, something ... 
What's your dream speaker?
As I was waiting on the paperwork for my new Magnepans at my dealer, I heard what honestly sounded like a live jazz trio around the corner. When I poked my head in, it was a pair of Wilsons, not the largest but good size. It was enough to make me ... 
HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.
Please do not sit down to assemble the Elekit with a bottle of your favorite wine at your side. Maybe a glass or two will be OK, but after that I predict the odds of installing a capacitor bassackwards with rise 15 percent with every additional gl... 
How much difference does a phono preamp really make?
Last year I built a Pearl 2, a diy phono pre by Pass Labs designer Wayne  Colburn. At first I was disappointed. Things didn’t sound much different from the built-in phono input on my Rogue Sphinx 2. But keep listening. I realized the Rogue was ver... 
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
I will just say that when I was buying my Magnepan .7s at a local dealer (Audio Concepts in Dallas), I heard what seriously sounded like a live combo from around the corner. When I looked, it was a pair of Wilson’s, I think Alexandrias or somethin... 
Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
Another thumbs-up for the Musical Fidelity V-90. I haven’t auditioned all that many DACs, but did take the v-90 to my dealer to run against a Simaudio $1,500 model. Yes, the Simaudio might have had an edge, but not much. I now have a PS Audio Dire...