Responses from jgiacalo
Wooden Platforms Redux Another inexpensive and very effective way to dissapate vibrations is to use small wood blocks - roughly 1" x 2" x 2" (exact dimensions do not seem to be too improtant - except that one dimension needs to be greater than the height of the equipmen... | |
Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ? To be honest, I've never heard the VR4JRs Demoed at a dealer or show that sound anywhere near as good at the do in my home; and, I have some compromising acoustic problems in my listening room. Nevertheless, I started out driving my JRs with a 300... | |
$100 Challenge: Build this system Garage sale is the way to go. Over the past 2 years I've picked up: 60s Pioneer receiver - $3; 60s Fisher receiver - $5; Harmon KArdon 330c - $40; Thorens TD160 turntable w/ cartridge - $10; Polk speakers - $35; AR4a speakers w/ sony receiver - $3... | |
Good way to dampen tonearm? There are a couple of inexpensive ways to dampen your tone arm that are easily reversable. One is to wrap the arm tube with plumbers teflon tape. Simply wrap the entire arm, or alternately, two or three spots with multiple layers of the tape. Anot... | |
cables recommendation Why not stick with Analysis Plus? I'm running AP Oval 9 biwires to my VR4JRs which connect my amp with both the lower bass unit and upper mid/tweeter unit and the sound is outstanding - very transparent and open with powerful, dynamic bass. Seems ... | |
I have $1200 for a CDP Which one and why? Buy a used Rega Jupiter 2000 - sweet, detailed, dynamic, musical, involving - a pleasure to listen to for hours. And, the new Apollo seems to be depressing their price on the used market; a good time to buy. | |
Machina Dynamic Brilliant Pebbles? I believe that Fruity Pebbles are actually somewhat higher in fiber leading to increased flatulance intermittantly raising your listening position for improved sonic perception. | |
Does your system always sound good? Well, no. I've noticed that most days it sounds great. But every once in a while after listening a while I'll realize that, in fact, it just doesn't sound as good as it usually does. It is usually about that time of realization that my wife turns ... | |
cryoed vs uncryoed wire A/B tests? I 'cryoed' my interconnects and speaker cables (Analysis Plus) in my home freezer (-30F)three times just to see what would happen - knowing full well that this is far above true cryoing temperatures. Nevertheless, there was a noticeable difference... | |
Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil? For an explanation go to: http://www.stereotimes.com/the "Archives" section and the article "The Art and Science of Audio System Tuning, Part 4."I've experimented with their recommendations, and found that wood blocks make changes in your system a... | |
help need in choosing a $800 to $1500 cd player Rega Jupiter 2000 used; or Rega Apollo new. | |
I need a cd player that is fun to listen to Demo a Rega Planet 2000. It plays music not hifi. | |
persoanlity and speaker preference Try using the MBTI and you might find ENFJs with a strong preference for VSAs VR4JRs | |
Advice on Budget System? I'm running a Rega Mira 3 - a 60 watt integrated - with my VR1s and the combination is magical; detailed, dynamic and rich-sounding, with excellent soundstaging and imaging. I get more than enough volume in a 10x13 room. But I suspect that a large... | |
Interconnects Needed/ Recommenditions? I'll second the Blue Jeans Cable recommendation. Great cables at a very moderate price. |