
Responses from jimmy2615

Music Disappearing (Roon/Tidal/Qobuz)
Perhaps it’s the case that some music just disappears.  But I’ve often had music that I’ve added to my library stay in my library list, but will not play and is listed as “unavailable”.  9 out of 10 times, if I go to the “versions” tab, the one I ... 
DAC Merry Go 'Round- why I stopped at Weiss
For those interested, there’s a review of the newer Weiss Helios DAC (their “flagship”) in Soundstage Australia.  Of note, the reviewer compares all of the current Weiss DACs’ overall sound qualities (including the 500 series 2 channel vs 4 channe... 
DAC upgrade
I like the Line Magnetic DAC at that price range.  To facten’s point, assuming you don’t want clinical sound since you said you’re a vinyl guy, the LM is a nice DAC.  It is a tube based DAC.  I found it punched much above its price point - as LM g... 
Tube Rolling
I also have the PL preamp and amps.  Tube rolling has been a lot of fun.  As many said it’s worth it (and easiest to get an answer your question) by experimenting.  That said, I found the best place to put these 12AU7s is in the preamp (4 middle s... 
I found the best way to recycle my old tubes!
Great idea!  Looks cool.  Question: do they look better with additional hang-in time?  
"Hardly Used / Less than 100 Hours / Took out for pics only"????
“…gentle use”. There’s also the impulse buy.  Someone may see something they have been curious about at a great price, get it home, then have buyers remorse, especially if they really didn’t have the money to spend.  So it goes up for sale.  
DAC Merry Go 'Round- why I stopped at Weiss
I haven’t heard the 200 series - Steve Huff reviewed it and said they sound the same.  It wasn’t clear though if he still had the 501 on hand or he was going off memory.  That said, just to make a logical point, if they sound the same, then at lea... 
DAC Merry Go 'Round- why I stopped at Weiss
A year and a half or more after owning this DAC I have some more observations that might prove useful to those interested.  They come in the way of moving to a new home, as well as continuing to compare the Weiss against other DACs.  First off, I ... 
Prima Luna Vs Accupahse
OP, I suspect most respondents here are assuming you’re asking about a Primaluna tube amp, whereas you’re asking about their hybrid integrated which has an AB amp in it. As for build quality (which probably is better on the accuphase…), the PL gea... 
Electronics for Harbeths -- $5-10K
OP, regarding the Benchmark, like everything it comes down to synergy and personal preferences.  Can the Benchmark compete with more expensive gear?  Absolutely.  But, it’s not pretty to look at if you want something that looks like Mac, Lux, or A... 
Electronics for Harbeths -- $5-10K
My favorite with Harbeth was Benchmark preamp and amp.  I’ve had Luxman separates as well as the 590AXII, Primaluna tubes, a class D amp from Nord, and I preferred the Benchmark.    
Help settle a streaming argument!
Which clock is being used, the one in the DAC or the streamer? And the quality matters. On USB input the DAC’s clock is used. On SPDIF or AES the streamer (or CD transport) clock is used. This alone can make a big difference in the sound between s... 
T+A DAC 200 or WEISS 501
I’ve got the Weiss and the T+A predecessor to the DAC200, the DAC 8 DSD, side by side in my system. I don’t know how much changed between the two T+A DACs, and while they have very similar feature sets, you would have to think T+A changed or impro... 
What’s the most underrated used Audio Research gear?
I agree with Roxy.  Although the 100.2 was probably not underrated (try to find anything bad said about it, it’s all raves…), for the price, especially used, it’s a fantastic amplifier.  ARC should do what other companies have been doing and come ... 
Rel t9x or Rythmik F12G
I’ve had both and would go with Rythmik.  I’ve had many REL subs over the years and enjoyed all of them except the T9x.  I had a pair and just could not get them to sound good.  The Rythmik goes a lot lower also.  My experience with the T9s made m...