Responses from jl35
Classe' DR-6 MKI vs MKII My point is simply you need to listen to the different versions yourself. | |
Classe' DR-6 MKI vs MKII There are also many older threads here from listeners who much preferred the DR series... | |
Classe' DR-6 MKI vs MKII In my system it was a significant sonic upgrade. I did not like the DR-25 and very much liked the Twenty Five, kept it for 7 years...different systems rooms preferences...and yes, Classe told me also the differences were very minor and essentially... | |
Classe' DR-6 MKI vs MKII I recommend the Classe Six ll. The Six is very different than the DR-6, and the Mk2 version of the Six adds remote control option and some upgrades. I found the Six Mkll more open and natural, more alive. I felt the same improvement with the Twent... | |
Mac MA 6100 worth the $$ to update? orig owner Your Mac will sound significantly better with a full refurbishing; new caps and parts, not merely a cleaning and calibration. I have some 70's Mac, Yamaha and Luxman that was refurbed and I love using them. But I agree that in pure sonic terms it ... | |
DAC for iMac System After one day I'm very impressed with the Halide. | |
Best Options In A Balanced Preamp Under $1500.00? Jeff Rowland Capri | |
DAC for iMac System Based on this thread and other threads I read, I made up a short list and a Halide HD DAC was the first to pop up at a good price, so I purchased it. If none had appeared would have bought a new Modi. I like that the Halide is a dedicated product ... | |
Best sounding and reliable CD changer? It's the Onkyo DX-C390 | |
Best sounding and reliable CD changer? With a DAC try the Onkyo DX390. I have read the Integra equivalent is better but haven't heard it. My Onkyo's been running for years... | |
DAC for iMac System Right now probably leaning towards the Modi - thanks for all the recommendations... | |
DAC for iMac System I had noticed the Simaudio 100D but after reading up on it, was left wondering if it really was meant for USB use. | |
Any truth to keeping the retail prices the same ? My sources, amp and pre are all similar in cost, speakers a bunch more. Sometimes you find components of mismatched cost that work great together depending on preferences and room. I know my Portal Panache sounded great when briefly used in main s... | |
2014 CES News: ARC Showcases New CD-6 Any word on whether ARC will offer any upgrades to the CD5 ? It looks like it can't be fully upgraded to the CD6 but maybe some partial upgrades hopefully... | |
Concert Videos I have the $500 standard Oppo 103 and think it's terrific... |