
Responses from jl35

PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
These changes without changing model number are not really that uncommon. I had an ARC LS15 preamp and noticed that a friends LS15 had a detachable power cord and different capacitors. I called ARC who confirmed this, and was able to have them upg... 
PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
I also noticed that the location of the speaker connectors and fuses had changed, and they used a different rear power switch. 
PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
My comments are based on a conversation with Pass Labs two years ago. I had called to ask about the changes on the rear panel between earlier and later versions of the X250.5 The RCA and XLR connectors are located differently on later models. 
Has Any One Heard Of A Stasis Pa 7 SS Power Amp
It's a late 80's amp from Nakamichi, either designed by Nelson Pass or based on his design, not sure. 
Advent Model 300 tuner/receiver
I have one. They're terrific. Very sellable based on condition. 
PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
In my opinion, newer would be better, but also much more expensive... 
PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
The X350.5 has been out about 8/9 years, but a 2013 version is quite different than a 2005, so check for exact age. There have been many minor changes and a major change about 4 years ago. 
PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
The two amps cost the same, so system/room/personal preference is what will decide. What some find smooth others find veiled. 
PASS - comparison X 350 to XA 60.5
The X350.5 and XA60.5 in my opinion sound different, not better/worse. The X350.5 I believe is much better than the X350 
transparent mm1 vs mm2
According to Transparent a MM2 should be better than a MM1 that is one level higher, but not two levels. I preferred the Super MM1 to the Ultra XL with both speaker cables and IC's and ended up with a full set of Super MM2. 
incredible inexpensive speaker
Cambridge lists the sensitivity at 90db 
oppo 103, marantz 5007, or yamaha advantage 1010 ?
I replaced my Sony 9100ES after 6 years with Oppo 103 and am very happy with it, both audio and video. Was somewhat surprised by audio improvement. Used only for movies. 
Recommend a used vintage receiver for under $100?
The Dayton listed above is shockingly good. 
Enlightened Audio Designs DSP 7000 Series III
I believe Noble Electronics, former EAD people, still repair and upgrade EAD components... 
Adcom GFP-565 pre-amp
Selling price has remained constant for 10+ years...