Responses from jl35
Why does an audiophile grade power cord matter? Good point Rrog. I've always wondered buying used gear how often the power cord included is not the original one. | |
Why does an audiophile grade power cord matter? When I try a new cable I often hope to not hear a difference so I won't have to purchase it. But some cables and cords at reasonable prices do make things sound better. | |
ARC LS15: did they ever use Mundorf MCaps on it ? Both versions of the LS15 sound different than the other, the LS25 and LS25ll are also different. They all have different sounds, not simply better or worse. None are worth buying without a listen. | |
Portal Audio Panache or Marantz PM8004 I have the Panache and think it sounds great, and do not miss the features at all. In addition, if you listen to headphones, the headphone jack on the Portal is connected to the main amp and is as good as many headphone amps selling for the price ... | |
ARC LS15: did they ever use Mundorf MCaps on it ? There were two versions of the LS15. The second version had different caps, an improved power supply, and a replaceable power cord. I had my original LS15 upgraded by ARC to the later version, except for the power cord. Don't remember the name of ... | |
Parasound A21 with JDR Capri II I just heard the original Capri with the A21 yesterday, using XLR cables, at a friends house, driving Dali MS4 speakers, and thought it sounded great. | |
Upgrade question - speakers or integrated? I have the YBA and like it a lot. I have matched it well with Aerial 6 and Vienna Bach Grand, though have seen Mozart Grand in your price range. | |
New CD player or new external DAC ? Just listen to the Bryston and you will know. Bryston seems to be make products that some love and some don't like at all. | |
New CD player or new external DAC ? I would get a recent used CDP. Avoid having to buy a digital cable and hoping the Arcam keeps working. And lots of newer CDP's have computer connectivity if that is an issue. There are also many who feel the transport is just as important as the D... | |
New CD player or new external DAC ? Either way, a new DAC or a new CDP will improve your sound. Remember too that once that 14 year old Arcam breaks, it probably can't be fixed. Agree that if, like me, you play discs and have no interest in computer music, a CDP is the most cost eff... | |
Better sounding after 1 hour Was told by my Pass dealer that the X250.5 from standby takes 5 minutes to stabilize and one hour to sound it's best, longer if fully shut off. My Portal Panache recommends leaving on 24/7 and has no standby option. | |
Minuets supreme & Onkyo A-9555 a good match? I have the Onkyo and Era 4 monitors and think they sound great together. Also use the matching Onkyo CD player. | |
Arcam, Cambridge Audio or Sony: Most musical?? All three sound great, all three are very musical, all three sound very different. | |
Good Small Speakers for travel set with DTA-100A My two current favorite small speakers are the Minimus 7 with the crossover mod, and the Era 4. I feel the Era is much better, but also heavier and more expensive. | |
Tightening Driver Screws Thanks for the suggestions. Was quite scared and very careful. Was surprised how loose a few were, and yes, I tightened very very gently... |