
Responses from jl35

Cable Breakin
on the other hand, not much to lose by running them a few weeks and then listening. Lots of things shouldn't make a difference, but do... 
What is your take on Mapleshade products
Their Ionoclast CD and LP zapper may be the most amazing low cost tweak I have ever used. And Pierre always has time to talk with his customers... 
What is your take on Mapleshade products
I love their stuff. Generally inexpensive, and money back guarantee. I particularly like their maple boards and brass cones. And if you buy used, it holds value for years. 
Integrated Amps that run hot
And the Naim sounds great and it seemed like such a fun idea... 
Manley Stingray question
I have noticed an occasional Stingray for under $1000 and always wondered why so low. By the time I would double check they were always gone. 
Pre-amp for Rowland Model 102
Thanks so much Guido. Joe 
Pre-amp for Rowland Model 102
Thanks Guido, Any idea if the original Capri will be upgradeable to the Series 2? 
What should I be auditioning?
Agree with Aerial 10T, and would also add Aerial 7b and 8. I had the 8 in main system currently have 7b in home theater. All three are outstanding and available at relatively low prices. 
Speaker Cable Advice Needed
It will cost you very little, maybe nothing, to experiment with some low cost cables such as Mapleshade, Clear Day, Speltz and many others. You may find you like the sound of one more than what you have. 
D'Agostino Momentum amp melts down
If so many amps fail this test, and failing it is irrelevant, curious why they do the test. 
Reason for selling is...
I have never been asked why I was selling, and have never asked a seller. I have liked almost all the gear I sold, just like upgrading or changing. 
Pre-amp for Rowland Model 102
I purchased a Capri a few years ago on the advice of Guidocorona, to replace an ARC LS25Mkll, and it is outstanding. The optional phono card is great too. I had hoped that the next Rowland model wouldn't be 4X the price, so I'm happy to keep the C... 
So......what do you use under your speakers?
Mapleshade brass cones customized to replace your spikes. 
Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference
I think Larry Greenhill did a double blind test between zip cord and Monster Cable in Stereo Review in the mid 70's... 
Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference
I consistently hear differences between different cables in my system. I do not aleways prefer the more expensive cable, there are some expensive cables I don't like at all, and there are some inexpensive cables I like very much. Unfortunately the...