Responses from jl35
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"? Odd how some take it as a personal insult, it's simply business...I simply decline their offer and find that the serious potential buyers will simply make a better offer...I don't counter because the Audiogon system require long wait for them to r... | |
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This? mid 60's went with my father to pick up Fisher 500C receiver, AR 2Ax speakers and Dual 1019 turntable...still have the turntable, been meaning to get it refurbished - any suggestions on refurb place for the Dual ? Thanks | |
Updated my streamer so do I now have to burn it in. Denafrips dac required it, And you don’t need your amp turned on to break in DAC and Streamer… | |
Updated my streamer so do I now have to burn it in. Denafrips dac required it, I felt my Streamer and DAC improved after a few hundred hours use, but regardless, they will break in or not as you use them, so just enjoy and come to your own conclusions in a month or so...it's a petty debate as everything breaks in regardless... | |
Schiit Freya+ with Mcintosh mc452 ? Freya is quite good, and easy to buy/sell with little loss, if you decide to upgrade... | |
Cable elevators clearly risers work for some and not others...as it is a free tweak, try and enjoy and don't sweat the details of why... | |
Klipsch RP-600M II They’ve received many good reviews...I found the Triangle Borea 03 and Elac Uni-Fi 2.0 to be equally as good but different, and also some Dali’s but don’t remember model......the Klipsch is regularly available as "open box" from authorized dealers... | |
Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!! Dali Epicon 8 for 8 years, longest of all in my main system...Aerial 7b and CC3b in home theater 12+ years and going strong... | |
Cable elevators thanks barts, those look like the Shunyata ... | |
Cable elevators Hi @barts , do you know what cable risers are used by ARC ? Thanks | |
Cable elevators and since many of these risers are free, no need for the snake oil accusing people to worry...you hear a difference or you don't... | |
Cable elevators I use risers in main system, on hard wood floor...mostly free ones or super inexpensive...I like the sound a little better, but no enough to use them in secondary systems...all my friends who have carpet, I always have preferred risers for their c... | |
Power cable from wall socket to power strip I have no idea how. I’m not knowledgeable in such matters. And the cable was borrowed/returnable, so no ulterior motive to "pretend" I liked it. In fact I kind of didn’t want to like it so I wouldn’t "have" to buy it...but it made a nice improveme... | |
Power cable from wall socket to power strip it mattered on my BPT power conditioner when I went from their basic cord to their top of the line... | |
How good is Aesthetix audio? I have the Aesthetix Romulus Eclipse CD Player and it's awesome, especially with some great NOS Tubes...totally agree with talking to John R at Audio Connection... |