As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?

I figure a lot of us here started hearing music through stand-up furniture stereos and/or composite units (mine was a Craig tt, receiver, 8-track). Then, one day I saw and listened to my cousin’s Pioneer Spec amps (with equalizer and oscilloscope) supporting a Beogram 4004. He also had a Teac R2-D2, but it was the 4004 that had the ever-lasting magnetic effect. What piece of equipment got you?


This has to be a classic Marantz Model One (?)… the one with the oscilloscope. 

mid 60's went with my father to pick up Fisher 500C receiver, AR 2Ax speakers and Dual 1019 turntable...still have the turntable, been meaning to get it refurbished - any suggestions on refurb place for the Dual ? Thanks

My first "music player" was a Tiny Tim crystal radio (around 1959).

In 1960 (neighbor's Halloween party) I listened to a single Klipsch K-Horn, Garrard or Thorens TT (unknown amp/preamp) and it blew away the Tiny Tim (my jaw dropped to the floor).

A few years later (Christmas party @ the same neighbor) there were 2 K-Horns, Marantz amp/preamp and what looked to be the same TT (sounded about the same as the mono system to me).

A few years after that my father purchased a used Magnavox tube stereo console for our living room (nice looking/sounding blonde wood unit).

