
Responses from jo1mtb

Help Building an Audio Room
Thank you both for the level-headed input.   I love the idea of a bookshelf/built-in wall to effectively build one wall out and provide some trap and diffusion in doing so. I think that will go a long way, and I can see in the pic they did somethi... 
Focal Diablo EVO vs Prior Gen(s)
Audiotroy, I’ve seen you post often in other threads.  I would appreciate it if you would share further on what makes you say the EVOs are much better?  Also, I’ve had Sopra 1, and felt the tweeter to sound overly excited and very “look at me” sou... 
Focal Diablo EVO vs Prior Gen(s)
Thank you for the reply, Audiotroy  
Amp for Focal Diablo Utopia Colour Evo
I know this is a bit of an old thread, but I had Diablo EVO and felt it was wonderful with Luxman.  I did not care for Focal with Audio Research Ref 75 or Simaudio 700i or Boulder 565.  Also sounded good with tube pre into class A amp.   
Class A integrated Luxman L590AX vs Accuphase e560
I know this is old. Wondering what the difference is between the mark I and mark II 590ax cant find anything on this.   
Luxman L-590AX
Anyone know the difference between the 590ax and the 590ax ii. (Mark ii)?  I can’t seem to find anything on the mark i!   Thanks!  
Wilson Audio Yvette vs Sasha 2
If I were in the market, based on my experience and the trajectory of W/A, I would blind buy the Yvettes.  No need to audition for me. If room size was right, I would go for them.   
Wilson Audio Yvette vs Sasha 2
Alameins = amazing.  Thanks autocorrect   
Wilson Audio Yvette vs Sasha 2
Mark I’ve had Sophia 2, 3, Sasha 1, Alexia 1, Sabrina 1.  They were all Alamein’s speakers.  I would order them: Alexia 1, Sabrina 1, Sasha 1, Sophia 3, Sophia 2 In my room, with my ARC gear, Sasha was better than Sophia 3, but marginally.  I di... 
Simaudio Moon 700i vs Boulder 865 Integrateds
Bingo. The Boulder was dry, a bit white, but very clear and detailed soundstage.  Didn’t make the improvement in bass I was expecting either.   
Wilson Audio Sabrina for Large Room?
Thanks for sharing your perspective, James633.   keeping a little life in the Sabrina as a candidate.    
Wilson Audio Sabrina for Large Room?
Thanks everyone.  You are sounding like the voices in my head I’ve been trying to ignore.   I think I really need to consider a larger speaker, and one without a rear port.   I think Focal Sopra 3 might be a better fit for the space.  I’m also ope... 
Wilson Audio Sabrina for Large Room?
I should add, I no longer have Sabrinas to just try it - likely obvious.   
Focal Diablo EVO Utopia: Cosmetic Changes or More?
Hahaha.  Yes.  That requires a change of home, but I’m on the look.  I had Scala v1, Diablo EVO is better, in my experience.  I hear Scala evo is a real stunner.  It’s next.  
Focal Diablo EVO Utopia: Cosmetic Changes or More?
So, after some relaying between a sales rep and the distribution rep, they have made changes to:“the internal dampening was upgraded, the tweeter received a permanent grille, and a new crossover was developed to adjust for the grille and new dampe...