
Discussions joekapahulu has started

Quality home theatre receiver with quality sound?203811
Any Ohm Walsh owners using tube amp?37107
Wife opened door to build my best ever system...ideas for what it should be?308317
looking to upgrade amp. Best choice of Belles Aria vs Rogue CM v Parasound HINT?41894
Need a good preamp w remote 14926
Any good 2 channel audio stores near Ester/Naples FL area?31700
How does modern ST 70 compare to RogueCM, Primaluna similarssound?33612
Entry level tube integrated for bedroom/office16206
Marantz ND8006...anyone had experience with it?228419
Cambridge Audio 740 cdp dying...suggested replacement?24426
First time tube integrated buy585316
Good music/audio stores in Memphis, Nashville, Florida panhandle, Central FL17333
TX audio stores in Austin or San Antonio?187513
Experience with Parasound P5?1111211
Recos for entry level Bookshelf speaker $400-750 for 21yo nieces first system?309027