
Discussions joekapahulu has started

Matching tube pre imdedance to SS amp?24172
Amp damping factor?2862438
MH a300 vs A3.5?29264
Cambricge 840v2 vs NAD 372? as interim amp51416
Good Interim Integrated 75 WRMS min?26293
Tubelike SS Power amp4139752
Good tube integrated for Ohm Walsh 2-100s338052
Amps for Ohm Walsh 100S342035
Need help-McIntosh MA 510040693
Tyler U7?382110
great sounding cds to audition new speakers786426
Match subwoofer to Spendor S3/5?91978
matching speaker to room size?767811
Dali Mentor 6 vs. Totem Forrest vs. Audio Physic52000
Mapleshade cables?? v Anti Cables2120920