Responses from joeylawn36111
I bet you already know this one... Onemug - LMAO!But don't forget the High-effenciency Lampshades....... | |
Would anyone respond??? Elazabeth - re: "my Sony VEGA 36XBR400 died TWO years ago..." - You haven't missed much, except about 735,687,348 commercials.... | |
What is your most beautiful component? anything with blue LED's - even changed some of the lights in my Yamaha preamps with them - also Dared's VP-16 Int Amp has blue LED's and clear plastic sides- looks great! Finally - I just got one of those "Blue Ice" power amps - "Blue Heaven" - L... | |
Any vets among the Audiophiles here? To dwhitt,sdcambell,charliee,elmuncy,davebachmann,bookert2,slappy, tumbler,vman71,bobbybob,islandear,david99,slv,tunes4me,riggerlt, musicdoc, and all the other Veterans:A HUGE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO YOUR COUNTRY************GOD BLESS AMERICA... | |
Best Value System If you are looking for high quality sound in a small package - I suggest the Linn Classik. Mine sounds great. I am using the Kan 4's with them - you hardly need a subwoofer. | |
Where R U????? Montgomery, Alabama. aka Audiophile Antartica. | |
Good Bookshelf Speakers for Dared SET Amp Dekay - you are correct - the 'tussels are too inefficent. I will try them on another system. Thank you.c123666 - I did order some Omega Grande 6R's - those oughta work Great - will know in a few weeks. Thanks again. | |
Colorizing The Sound Eldartford - you have any opionions on the Behringer T1951 Tube Parametric equalizer? It uses 12AX7's and has a 'warmth' control. | |
can a Hong Kong product be used in Europe Isn't the frequency in europe 50Hz anyway - if so, you can just change the cord or get an adapter for your country. As far as 50 vs 60 Hertz, a turntable that uses a AC Motor wont work. But many other electronics work ok with either 50 or 60 Hz. A... | |
Quality RCA Switchbox This one looks decent - Russound | |
Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim) jax2 - could be, but the 'resin' may be some kind of glue-like substance used to reduce any resonant vibration tendencies of untreated wood...just a total guess, however. | |
Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim) Mghcanuck - thanks for the link. I saw those Yamamoto amps, and have to say those look so nice that even some of the wood 'haters' maybe inclined to change their minds.... | |
Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim) Zaikesman - LOL! | |
Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim) Got two McIntosh wood cabinets I am gonna sell soon....gotta say 'Dislike' | |
Replacing Vintage Lights I have replaced several of my burnt out lights with LED's. But you have to measure the voltage for the lamps, then use Ohm's Law to figure out what series resistance to use. With Led's you can also choose color. I like the blue ones - replaced the... |