Responses from john_tracy
I just returned my second defective Manley Chinook Shakey, Kevin charges if I recollect correctly $400 to build a Maxed Out. Since this kit is less complex, I assuming he won't charge more than that, maybe less. If you need an exact number you can call Kevin. | |
I just returned my second defective Manley Chinook Shakey, if you scroll down you'll see that the complete kit lists for $1250 with MM only. MC input option $375 more. | |
I just returned my second defective Manley Chinook If you want to stick with tubes Kevin Carter has a new phono pre called the Trio that with MC inputs and built, not a kit, would set you back about the same as the Manley Chinook. | |
Why so few balanced phono inputs? The thing you have to be careful about with this statement is the cable used. If a shield is involved and it is tied to pin 3 while pin 2 has the inside connection, its not going to work regardless of the impedance to ground. Ralph, if you would n... | |
Why so few balanced phono inputs? I feel that I should point out that the type of connector (RCA vs. XLR) does NOT determine whether or not a connection is balanced. What determines this is equal impedance to ground from the two signal carriers. Both for the source and the input. ... | |
Why do MM cartridges amplify more surface noise?? Sounds like maybe too much loading capacitance. Read the Hagerman Cartridge Loading paper. Too much capacitance interacts with the cartridge inductance to make for a resonance peak at the upper bound of the audio band. This would enhance the amoun... | |
Why so few balanced phono inputs? Any phono cable can be easily converted into a balanced one. Just snip off the RCA's off and solder the two cable leads onto XLR's. Some single-ended cables are coaxial. Cut the RCA plug off the end and you will find up with a single conductor and... | |
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement. Shakeydeal - Glad to hear that you like your K&K Maxed Out. You might want to check out Kevin's new TT motor controller. There may still be a beta unit available. I got rid of my Wave Mechanic in favor of Kevin's.beta TT controller | |
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement. Terry9 - "My old Wave Mechanic was just filtration and voltage adjustment, "I have a copy of hand written notes and a schematic sent from the designer Martin Bastin. These were dated 3/17/00. The unit described was a power regenerator. That is, an... | |
Dynavector XX-2 MK2 vs Shelter 901 MK2 FWIW your problem with vocal sibilance may not be a cartridge issue. Clean reproduction requires pristine electronics too. Especially the power supplies.I've owned both a Shelter 901 and 9000. An elliptical stylus has more trouble tracing vocal si... | |
Cartridge impedance loading question I suppose if you were to use a transformer placed close to your TT to keep leads very short you could push the resonance up past 1mHz. In a more normal situation I would guess it would be hard to push cable and input capacitance much below 100pF. ... | |
Balanced/Unbalanced question The benefits of a balanced connection are a reduction in common mode noise, that is the noise common to both signal lines. This will ONLY be the case when the source impedance of both lines are equal and the terminating impedances are equal. Any i... | |
Cartridge impedance loading question "These analogies between cartridge loading and automobile technology have their limitations."In the old days before digital computers automotive companies use to model their suspension designs with analog circuits using inductors, capacitors and r... | |
Cartridge impedance loading question Running a typical MC cart. with a load of 47K is kind of like driving your car without shock absorbers. The inductance of the cart. in combination with the load capacitance forms a resonance circuit. With a 47K load and typical values for inductan... | |
recommended phono preamp for $2500? Recent review of the K&K Maxed Out |