Responses from jomonhifi
Overkill for small room @letshearit I also have a room about that same size with a pair of Sonus Faber floor standers. I’ve found moving them well into the room and about 8’ apart solves wall reflections and some nasty bass nodes. I guess you would call it near field li... | |
Preamp - what's the purpose? I removed my ARC Ref 6SE and put my DCS Rossini APEX straight into my amp…. The loss of dynamics and soundstage was dramatic. I promptly but that experiment to bed. | |
Clean power and it's affect on sound quality That was fun... | |
Cream — Stormy Monday It’s my GoTo track when auditioning new gear. Absolutely love the sound of the room….the sound of the drums, the bass and guitar….right from the opening riff….! | |
Help with speaker selection If you can extend your budget by about $8k, you can probably get a pair of Wilson Sasha DAW’s that are popping up on Audiogon…. | |
I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k What about a Gryphon Diablo 300 with phono module. You’ll probably have enough left over for a decent DAC/Streamer. | |
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system Head to Miami for much needed warmth and stop into this place and hear what a room can sound like. | |
Dealers with excellent listening rooms? If you guys are ever in Miami, reach out to John at Audio Salon in Coral Gables. I have purchased stuff from him but I’ve sat in high end shops all over the world…. I don’t know why exactly, but his room just sounds pretty special. He features... | |
REF5SE tubes I was able to acquire a full set of new matched tubes from ARC last week. (REF6SE) $1200 including shipping. I did have to wait a few months but my current set still have some good life in them. Good luck…! | |
ARC amp differences. ARC 160s and Serafino’s are a great match. I preferred that amp over they Gryphon Diablo 300. I also had an REF 75SE for a while which was my first taste. BTW - I’ve had nothing but stellar response from Audio Research for all services. I’m n... | |
DAC DIRECT IN TO AMPLIFIER OR TO PREAMPLIFIER DCS Rossini Apex with and without ARC REF 6SE. Night and day. I was kinda shocked how much the sound was improved by the addition of the pre-amp. Since I have only one source, I was contemplating selling the RFE 6 as I’ve moved to the UK….but ... | |
Are higher end preamps worth the investment when you are only streaming Tidal & Spotify ? Very good question…! I ran my DCS Rossini straight into my ARC 160s and then added my ARC REF 6SE. Wow….! A massive improvement…! Not subtle. Big noticeable difference in detail, sound stage, openness…. Bass…! | |
Class A integrated amp recommendations What about the smaller Gryphon Diablo…? The 120 I think it is. Class A/B | |
Recommendations for a shipper I’ve used team world wide a bunch of times. Troy Marie McCuen Cell: 801-712-9388 Executive Sales Manager Team Worldwide® Salt Lake City, UT Office: 801-419-0615 Fax: 801-419-0704 | |
Triode Wire Labs or NRG Custom The Five for my 300b SET tube amp? I’ve got a bunch of Pete’s wires in my system… obsession power cords mostly. Pete also has modified some of my cords for my new home in the uk. I wasn’t nuts about his speaker cables… …but I Love Triode Wire Labs…! |