

Responses from jond

Most overrated audio manufacturers?
It should be noted overrated does not mean bad plenty of good products are also overrated.  
300B Tube Amps with 15/16 Watts Per Channel?
You could also do a pushpull 300B amp that will get you closer to 25 watts.  
Does old-fashioned necessarily mean out of date?
A product that sounds good will always sound good, and technological advances where tubed gear is concerned are overrated.  
Why tube rectification?
I will say this in my amps that have tube rectification the rectifier tube has a definite effect on the sound. That said I've also listened to very good amps that are SS rectified so there's more than one way to skin the cat.  
Newbie, first time tube rolling.
Yes why waste tube hours on silence listen to them!  
Phil Lesh
From my first show 7/6/86 to my last 9/24/94 and beyond I've considered Phil a musical genius. RIP Phil. And very nice to see Phish open their show tonight with Box of Rain.  
Capital Audiofest Coming Up!
I'll be there on Sunday.  
Accuphase class A amps - going up the food chain from an A-48 to an A-80 or A-300?
It makes sense that a preamp would sound better going up the chain but to me amps are a different cup of tea. Especially Class A amps so assuming you don't need the extra wattage it is entirely possible the A-48 will sound as good and possibly bet... 
Does anyone on AG truly care anymore about objectivity & sincerity of Magazine reviews?
+1 @bdp24 well said. and +1 @mitch2 very very weird.  
Help me decide
If you like the sound you're getting now the 5.5 would be the obvious upgrade to your 2.5. Beyond that I have no advice not really an ARC fan but good luck.  
Does anyone on AG truly care anymore about objectivity & sincerity of Magazine reviews?
Perhaps they really like that driver in their designs?  
Your reaction to Herve Deletraz’s statement re: hi end and darTZeel
Nothing he says is really untrue though after reading that it's hard to say what his plans are. However I can't afford Dartzeel nor have I ever heard any so that's a moot point for me.  
Room with glass windows as a walls.
Listen nearfield.  
TALK Amplifier Tornado 2.1 ....A BUZZ Sound
Is the amp buzzing or is it coming through your speakers? Neither will hurt your speakers, if it's the amp it's the transformer buzzing likely some DC on the line. And through the speakers a ground loop perhaps.  
Component matching expertise - how do you do it?
I spent 5-6 years doing trial by error buying used gear and then found a great local dealer and finally got the sound I was looking for. I say if you have a good dealer stick with them.