Responses from jond
So, a reviewer just said something I need to talk about. Well I would suggest since he was reviewing audio equipment wouldn't comments on the sound make more sense? I mean sure great playing makes music more engaging but in the sense of objectively reviewing some piece of gear it matters less. | |
The Horror Hey audiodidact don't despair man look at it this way zero in on exactly what your system is lacking and fix it. I realize this is easier said than done but a similar happened to me after my first Capitol Audiofest back in 2017. After hearing a bu... | |
New Accuphase Amplifier Experience Congrats on the new amp jfrmusic and that is a serious overall system upgrade it must sound amazing! | |
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed? I've not heard the Cornwalls but I quite enjoyed the Razz pretty sure it was v1 if not then v2. Having also heard the Rivals I'd call the Razz fun and a touch unrefined but just in comparison to the Rivals which are much more $$. Not sure if that... | |
Is there a cheaper alternative to this: As speaker stands go that's a pretty low price and they were designed for your speakers seems like a no-brainer to me . | |
Is it wrong to leave my amplifier on all the time Some folks will say that cycling on and off stresses the caps more than leaving an amp on all the time. I think you're fine either way really. | |
Very faint hiss from tweeter Don't put your ear close to the tweeter problem solved. Also as stated above a little noise is not uncommon. | |
Why do Wav and Flac Files Sound Different? WAV and Flac sound identical to me and WAV just takes up too much space. | |
How is the Auralic Aries S1 or the Vega S1? It’s so new almost no one has heard it even on the Auralic forums just at audio shows. Are they even shipping yet? I take that back just went on the Auralic forums and one gentleman has posted some impressions. | |
Pre Amp break-in balance issue Great outcome joeyfed55 I usually find weird issues like this to be operator error somehow. I know that’s been the case with my dumba$$ more than a few times. 🤣 | |
where/who builds the Borresen / Aviik Denmark gear? Try sending a message through their site perhaps? I doubt they are being intentionally vague. | |
Amp vs Preamp To me it is the preamp but of course the amp matters too. Common sense says get a good preamp and marry it to a good amp. ;) | |
where/who builds the Borresen / Aviik Denmark gear? Copied from the Audio Group Denmark website. Handcrafting & Innovation We design and handcraft everything by ourselves. Everything, from the loudspeakers’ driver units and the casting of the silver rings to the cables and the inside of ou... | |
Using two Luxman integrated amplifiers together As the others say try it you own both components so nothing to lose. Curios myself which combo will sound best. | |
What gear do you want to demo? An original Kondo Ongaku is something I'd love to hear. |