legacy speakers

I recently decided to purchase some legacy speakers thru Morrow audio and was wondering if anyone else out there has had problems getting your receipt for your purchase and any shipping details? It took me two days to get a receipt after having to call morrow audio then having to email mike morrow to just get a receipt. Then calling legacy to find out about shipping and they said they would get the two pair of studio hd's right out to me. After over two weeks i had to call legacy back because i still had no shipping details and was told it would be at least six more weeks. I then asked legacy if they were paid and they said no. I then called morrow audio for a refund and was told to email mike morrow and he finally called. I was told there are no refunds but after calling my banks fraud department mike decided to refund all but $100.00 for processing my debit card. Has anyone else had this kind of problems from morrow audio?

As I am 10+ years late to this particular party, I have a question for those who may have had recent experience dealing with Legacy Audio. Can their speakers be ordered directly or must you go thru an affiliated dealer? I would much rather deal with the company directly than to muddy the water by dragging a 3rd party into the mix. I realize that may not be possible but then how to choose a retailer that is honest and above board in their dealings? Further, anyone have any idea what the lead times are to get a speaker system in your home after placing an order?

I am strongly considering a set of Focus SE's for one of the spots in my home but the idea that it takes to 2-3 months from the placement of an order to delivery is a bit off-putting. Maybe that lead time is actually much shorter now than it was then...inquiring minds want to know


You will most likely have to order them off one of their dealers. They make them per order. There is so many different finishes etc. I have a complete system. Speakers, Subs and Amplifiers. If your serious I can hook you up with my dealer. He’s in Pennsylvania. BTW, I have the Focus Se’s as my mains.

It was a few years ago but I traveled from Anchorage, Alaska to Springfield, IL, at Bill Duddlestons invitation as I was interested in Legacy Focus SEs and there wasn't a dealer in Alaska. He came in on the weekend and auditioned the speakers for me and my wife. We were blown away and immediately decided to buy them. Bill helped me package them up for the trip back to Alaska. So I would just reach out to Bill via the Legacy website and ask him.  That's what I did. He is an amazing guy.