
Responses from jwmorris

Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
Back to the original question...In my room, using large sub-woofers, I can select two channel operation and be enveloped by music so much that I forget I am not listening in multi-channel mode.  Stay safe everyone  
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
After reading the above I found this on google:  https://www.google.com/search?ei=sCONXpbEEZKuytMPpN21GA&q=how+low+does+the+bass+extend+in+the+1812+overture&oq=how+low+does+the+bass+extend+in+the+1812+overature&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAM... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
https://www.certifiedautosound.com/basshead-songs-put-your-subwoofer-system-to-the-test/?hilite=%27bass%27%2C%27below%27%2C%2720hz%27   We sorted through about 75 tracks using Adobe Audition. Audition allows us to look at the spectral content of... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
     As enthusiast enamored with our equipment, in our room, in our opinion we have to be careful not to be closed minded. I do not believe most enthusiast start with a great system. Great systems usually evolve over time. Most enthusiast come to ... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
@phusis is absolutely correct. There is content below 20Hz and each individual must decide tor themselves if that content is worth pursuing. @noble100  It is true some movies are released with bass filtered content. There is a group of  enthusiast... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
Smodtactical,      The subs I bought were being sold used, locally. A friend who had listened to my system before suggested I needed large sub-woofers. That same friend told me these were available. I listened the first day without purchasing, aft... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
You don't know what you are missing until you experience it. Frequencies below 20Hz add realism when watching movies. In real life if a train rolls by, or there is a gun shot or explosion, there are frequencies you feel. The sensation added by low... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
Dpac996 place your main speakers where they sound best first, then place your sub-woofers. Symmetrical placement looks good but may not result in the best sound. Use the sub crawl if you can place them anywhere in your room. If you have limited pl... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
In my previous post seconds should be milliseconds. 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
+1 for measurements +1 for Mini-DSP Audiophiles make fun of the home theater crowd. The home theater crowd makes fun of audiophiles. Both groups can learn something from the other. Subwoofers should be sized according to the room. I had Vander... 
Preamplifier Recommendation for Innersound Eros Speakers
Thanks for the recommendation! 
Preamplifier Recommendation for Innersound Eros Speakers
Thanks for the suggestion!  
Preamplifier Recommendation for Innersound Eros Speakers
Thank you! 
Just moved - sound destroyed
Just moved - sound destroyed
Poops! Guilty as charged...