

Responses from kclone

Peachtree Nova 300
The Nova 500 is supposed be the best thing they have ever done.  I doubt I will get it though.  I have the 300 in a second system, but I don't like it that it doesn't have a digital display and neither does the 500.  The volume nob doesn't turn so... 
Peachtree Nova 300
The Stereophile review used really old speakers with the Peachtree, it was a bad match apparently.  Why the reviewer didn't  try it with other speakers is in question.  Something must have changed because now Stereophile has it as a recommended co... 
Integrated amplifier search
Speaking of Peachtree, they just came out with a new 500 watt integrated.  It has the new ESS 9028 PRO DAC built in.  I believe the Nova 300 and 150 have the older 9018s.   
Integrated amplifier search
there is a some integrateds that are smaller with the same functionality or even more features, but the question is can anything match the Halo in sound quality or performance? I have no idea on that. I have the Creek Evolution 100A integrated wit... 
Recommend Affordable Integrated Amps (Solid State or Tube)
I second the recommendation for the Peachtree Nova 300.   The Creek Evolution 100A is also very good in your price range.  Get it with the Ruby digital add on and it will take care of all of your needs.  I haven't heard it, but a lot people also l... 
Belles Virtuoso or PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP
speaking of the Virtuoso, has anyone heard when it is coming out? 
Best sounding compact integrated amp < $2k?
The Creek Evolution 100A is hard to beat in that price range. It fits in your space and has great ergonomics, versatility, and functions.  Oh and it sounds good too.  I liked it better then the Peachtree Nova 300 in two systems I have compared the... 
Crown XLS 1502.... real life test.
I'm setting up a system for my son in his room.  Does crown have built in preamps?  do they have remote controls? 
Help with integrated amp choice
The Creek Evolution 100A is an excellent choice.  Very versatile and sounds great.   
Oyaide Cables
sadono, are you saying the BMS are dry sounding? 
Oyaide Cables
It is weird, I will not say one is better than the other.  It just depends on what your in the mood for or what fits best with your gear.  Like I said, I really enjoyed the GPX R V2, it has it's strengths for sure and I will likely revisit it soon... 
Oyaide Cables
Well I compared the Black Mamba to the TUNAMI GPX-R V2 and at this point I prefer the Black Mamba.  I didn't think I would early on, I thought I would like the Tunami, but the Black Mamba just seems more focused and coherent.  I could live with ei... 
Proac D48R
ctsooner, are you talking about the Aria Integrated with the Proac D48s? 
Proac D48R
yeah, most good speakers will reveal shortcomings in the recordings, just the way it is.  I have had some set ups where I can't even be in the room with these recordings, they are so hard sounding, hot, bright, thin, etc..hurts the ears.  I can li... 
Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso
So the question Audiozen, Black or Silver?