Responses from keithr
JM Lab Mini Utopia driven by Plinius 8200MKII Check out hte Cary SLI 80 or BAT 300x. I have heard the Cary on JM Lab, and it is an excellent comment. The BAT is getting praise everywhere... | |
Krell Showcase vs. Anthem AV20 Or go with the B&K Ref 50 and save some dough from either alternative. Don't buy B&K amps though... | |
dynaudio or M & k for home theater Dynaudio doesn't have good centers, and no rears in the contour series, which is where you want to be at. I also don't think they sound like Wilsons, but ymmv. ps. I owned 1.3SEs, a phenomenal speaker.I have two systems--M&K S150s for HT, and ... | |
Thiel 2.3 amplification Really need tubes imho. Vac is a classic pairing with Thiels. | |
CONFUSED.. Moz vs Beeth..vienna acoustics at all? I started djing house music (in addition to all the ecclectic music i listen to otherwise), and the VAs are definitely not the way to go. They are ok for classical, but boring for anything with dynamics. I listened to the Beethoven extensively, an... | |
Speaker priority: high or low??? I think the proof is in the pudding when David Wilson demo'd his new Sophias on a $600 parasound amp to awe of the crowd---the crowd thought it was the spectral 360s, when it was the parasound under the table cloth really driving the speakers. | |
What amps do you use with your Revel Salons/Studio I have heard the Studios at a dealer (who also is ML dealer)with a Rowland synergy/model 10, and it seemed to work well.KeithR | |
Pass X-250 or Sim Audio Moon W-5 to Drive B&W N802 Krell and B&W is a classic match... | |
Better Amps For Talon Khorus CAT JL2 or Tenor 75? One of my friends has the Khorus Xs---has had Cary V12i monos, Pass X350, Edge NL10 (or 12-can't remember), and now the Tenors. He said the Tenors are so far ahead of the others, he has lost any reasone to go amp shopping again. | |
THE Eternal dissatisfied Cary amps mate well with JM Labs. I heard the Minis with V12i and SLP98 pre, and it sounded very nice.KeithR | |
Best Pre/Pro for 2-channel stereo sound? Not so sure why everyone thinks Bryston when they want 2 ch sound out of a pre/pro. No one buys there preamps. They may be better than some alternatives, but i would think a quality 2 ch preamp will give you much better sound. | |
Jeff Rowland Concentra II vs Gryphon Callisto 2200 I will be different here--I owned a Concentra II for awhile, and it wasn't my cup of tea. I didn't think it was all that powerful (had to crank past 80 all the time), and that it wasn't close to tubes like everyone says (i A/Bd it to my Cary 2002/... | |
Best Amp For Dynaudio Contour 3.3 Speakers I wouldn't pair the Dyns with the Sim, per a good dealer friend of mine.I would look into Plinius, Spectron, and Krell.The CJ may be too soft for these speakers-- | |
Experience with Cary SLP 2002 preamp? I am the guy who regretted the 2002 in my system. I just thought the 98 was a more musical piece, and ended up buying a new one in the carnival red laquer (much easier to keep clean than the chrome) with remote (which is standard now). Also, the l... | |
Anyone familiar w/Cary SLP-98 preamp? The SLP 98 is a gem of a preamp. I sold it to get a 2002, then quickly went back to a 98. I compared it to VTL 5.5, VAC Standard Sig, Rogue 99, CJ PV-14, and the Cary was by far the most musical.They come off and on audiogon quickly, as they are s... |