
Responses from kennymacc

dCS Mosaic Vs Roon Nucleus Plus - Titan
I totally agree with geardaddie.  I have no experience with the Mosiac app, but I  absolutely love my Roon Nucleus Plus with no plans on replacing it with the new Titan.  One thing I did do that was extremely effective in making my Roon Nucleus Pl... 
My stereo
Well, I guess I must not be a true audiophile after all because this retired "formerly known as" a true audiophile no longer has an inexhaustible amount of funds to spend on expensive high end audio gear  I'm all done.  I don't even look anymore, ... 
power cable tryout High fidelity cables has me wondering..... need suggestions now
A couple years ago I auditioned PS Audio’s top-of-the-line power cables and was extremely disappointed in them considering PS Audio’s extremely positive reputation in other areas of high end audio. First and foremost, buy used so that you can get ... 
My stereo
Congrats to you.  I'm an older retired audiophile who, after all these years, finally managed to assemble my end-game "forever" audio system earlier this year.  I  opted to omit CD and vinyl from my end-game, off into the sunset, audio system beca... 
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?
Speakers are super subjective. As with all speaker brands, Magico has it’s own signature sound. However, after hearing Magico speakers on several occasions, I find myself preferring their A and S series over their top of the line M series. Why? Be... 
Integrated amp for 2500-3000
Hegel H390  
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
You've probably been around high end audio long enough to answer your own question.  You simply must audition speakers until you find the ones you like best.  Is there any other way?  Happy listening.  
Power cord upgrade
Although suggestions and recommendations form others are always welcome and sometime very helpful, at the end of the day, they aren't worth a hill of beans when it comes to you finding the right cable that will synergize with your particular strea... 
Power cord upgrade
@skids: I tried an AudioQuest Hurricane source, and a AQ Hurricane high current (along with various other AQ PCs) power cable in my audio system on different components, and after much trail and error, and out of all the AQ power cables I tried, I... 
Separates vs Integrated
About three years ago, I had to downsize my audio system because I had to move  from a very large room in the house to a smaller room in the house.  After extensive, exhaustive research and auditioning, I opted for the Hegel H590 integrated amp to... 
Help needed with new integrated amp.
Maybe it’s the amps you’ve been using. Maybe it’s your cables. Maybe it’s the room. Who knowns? My suggestion to you would be for you to find a way to get to your nearest Maggie dealer where you can hear the speakers in a totally different environ... 
Wilson Watt 3/Puppy 2 Loudspeaker
If you can scoop them up for a couple grand or so for the pair, and they're in exceptional condition, yes, go for it.  Don't worry, with the right associated equipment and cabling, those babies will sing like a bird.  Happy listening.  
Anyone have a Roon Nucleus One? Your experience positive or negative?
Yes!!!  I've owned my Nucleus one for over three years now and I'm still thrilled with it and will be for the foreseeable future.  It's a brilliant piece of gear.  Happy listening.  
Choose between McIntosh MA9000 used vs MA8950 new
@jastralfu Just because a person shopped the used market today, yesterday, or last week and didn’t find anything to their satisfaction, doesn’t mean that they should just give up on the used market and run out and buy new. One may just have to exe... 
Choose between McIntosh MA9000 used vs MA8950 new
@randywong.  Always go for more power over less power. A little extra head-room never hurt anybody. Also, why buy new? There’s a huge pre-owned market out there that can save you thousands. Take advantage of it. I’ve been buying pre-owned audio fo...