
Responses from ketchup

Vinyl Lovers
@lewm Zerostats actually work by flooding the record with both positive and negative charges, negating whatever charge was on the record originally.  
Vacuuming after ultrasonic vinyl cleaning
I rinse with a repurposed idler drive turntable with a ribbed rubber mat that makes minimal contact with the vinyl.  I then vac with a KAB.  Nothing but the felt lips touch the record surface.  I could not imagine not rinsing with ultrapure water ... 
Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated driving Magnepan .7 with Bypassed Fuses
Personally, I would play the system for a few months with the fuses in place so see if there are any issues.  If you don't blow any fuses during this time, you should feel a little more confident bypassing them.  
Herbies tube damper tightness
If you bought them new, instructions should be there. Open them up so the rings have hardly any deflection. @skids Thanks.  It never occurred to me that such simple devices would have instructions.  I did not buy them new, so I don't have the i... 
Maggie LRS+ terminal issue
Yes, bananas work fine.  Unscrew the set screw, insert the banana, then lightly snug up the set screw on the part of the banana that tapers down.  
Added a LHY OCK 2 to EtherRegen > Bricasti chain
Anybody else think the brookepeterson post was written by AI? I fiddled with Chatbot a little bit and I it’s been the same style. Not saying it’s a crime or anything if it was. Welcome to 2023… That post from brookepeterson is one of the weirde... 
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally!
@ketchup  Sounds interesting.    Any chance of getting a photo so I understand your placement?   @tomrk I just added some pics to my system.  
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally!
3.6R’s, purchased used as a trade-in from a local audio/video store. The price was extremely aggressive since they just wanted to get rid of them (look up the used price online and it was 1/3 of that). Yes, these particular speakers need a lot o... 
Why are these called 5 way binding posts? I count four!
  I'm not sure how legit this is, but it says that the fifth method is an alligator clip (#2).  
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally!
@bdp24  Adding a sub or two to almost any planar will result in improvements in a couple of ways. Most importantly, relieved of reproducing bass, the Maggie "woofers" will now reproduce the midrange in a noticeably improved manner. The speaker w... 
HiRes lossless FLAC Radio streams
Is there an affordable all in one Flac burning appliance?
I'm confused.  Are you trying to burn CDRs or perform DAE (digital audio extraction) from CDs?  
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
the Node is good enough to discover new artist via streaming.  do i want to pay thousands for something like an Aruender?  nope. i can get just as good sound quality by purchasing and downloading the same  lossless file from Presto if i really re... 
Ultrasonic record cleaners
@reubent I use the recipe shown here with success.  I then do two rinses with a vacuum machine.    
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
@ianrmack  I certainly WOULD give it a try but I need WiFi connection and have a perfect 800mb connection. Lumin, aurender, auralic all require direct Ethernet and that would be a pain as I have a 120 yo home with thick brick walls.    can aur...