

Responses from kijanki

To couple, or not to couple, that is the question
I agree with Eric, it is complicated and floor does transfer sound.  I tried to couple (spikes) and decouple (Vibrapods) and cannot say one way is better than another - just different sound.  I moved recently from wooden floor/basement home to one... 
The character of analog and digital
I had decent TT long time ago, but couldn’t stand pops and clicks. Perhaps it is possible to avoid them, but it is not my experience. Pops and clicks take me back to my room when I was already at the concert. As for R2R - layer to layer copying is... 
Grounding Question
If equipment is designed with 3 prong plug (Class I Equipment) case is grounded protecting user from dangerous voltages.  Grounding the case thru interconnect to another case is not only unsafe because of the limited current interconnect can carry... 
Pleasurably better, not measurably better
I also like food analogy - imagine that you order famous Korean dish known for it salty and sour taste, but you cover it with sugar to your taste.  Is it still original dish? When I offer green tea to my friends they put two teaspoons of sugar int... 
Is a femto clock important if you aren't using asynch USB?
femto clock is mainly useful to sync up the digital stream from a computer Other than Asynchronous Rate Converter used in some DACs (like Benchmark), most of them use PLL (Phase Locked Loop)  and have variable D/A converter clocks with S/Pdif t... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
@ricevs Many claim that amps like AHB2 reduce harmonics. I don’t know how it is possible if amp has flat amplitude and phase response in audio band. Adding even harmonics to create "warm" sound or bit of distortion to create illusion of dynamics s... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
@yyzsantabarbara Thiel CS3.7 minimum impedance is in order of 2.5ohm (2.8ohm specified, 2.4ohm measured by Stereophile).  Driving it by AHB2 in bridged/mono mode is equivalent to driving 1.25ohm speaker in stereo mode.  AHB2 is not rated for that ... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
I enjoy AHB2, but Paul Seydor in Absolute Sound review of AHB2,suggested it is not an audiophile amplifier: Because accuracy allied to absolutely reliable performance is the goal of all the Benchmarks, they are not products that tend to attract ... 
USB cables conducor - help
Metal should not matter - it is only data in packets (as it is with external USB HD).  I would look for quality cable with good shielding.  
Harmonic distortion inquiry
Since THD is calculated as root-sum-square of rms voltages of individual harmonics as a percentage of fundamental I wouldn't just add THDs of two devices.  Most likely it would be again root-sum-square of two (or three) THDs.  
Gain / Amplification
It totally applies there @kijanki - imagine 10 nV on the IC and then amplifying that small, medium or large.   Then you're talking about noise pickup by interconnect.  That was mentioned as second reason.   First reason was that amp with fixed ... 
Gain / Amplification
Lower gain in amp and higher gain in pre could be better for two reasons: - It moves more gain to electrically quieter environment (pre) - It reduces relative electrical noise pickup by interconnect. Of course it depends how power amp reduces th... 
Digital source upgrade suggestion?
My setup is pretty much the same.  The beauty of it (WiFi) is that nothing on computer side matters (Computer speed, power supply, amount of memory, playback program etc), since there is no direct connection and no real time clock .  Airport recei... 
Analogue v. Digital...again (Washington Post)
Grounding questions
Hum independent of volume can be a sign of old/dry power supply caps. I would, per maxwave advise, take it to a friend and try it there. Also, since you have balanced connection between pre and amp, check where shield is connected on both ends. I...