
Responses from kingbarbuda

Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work."
@pedroeb Since you mentioned him, what ever happened to @MillerCarbon? Last I saw, he was selling his Raven Audio integrated and then he disappeared.   
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
@eatapc Hi. I am a former Maggie 1.7i owner. This is what I recommend: 1. Magnepans NEED subwoofers. They do. They are ribbon speakers with no air movement and no percussion. There is no slam. They need subwoofers. I added a pair of REL T/9i subs... 
IsoAcoustics Gaia w/MAGICO
@pgnixon I removed my Isoacoustics Gaia Is and place the speakers without spikes or anything else on the Podiums. The speakers have on the bottom, round metal surrounds around where the spike or Gaias screw in. I placed round felt furniture feet o... 
IsoAcoustics Gaia w/MAGICO
@stibi what you need to do with Magicos is to email Isoacoustics support and tell them the make and model of the speaker you have if none of their included hardware fits. They will send you the hardware you need free of charge. I did that for my M... 
IsoAcoustics Gaia w/MAGICO
@vule I have a pair of Magico A3 towers and for a long time I had Isoacoustics Gaia I footers on them. Sonically, and in general, I believe that the Isoacoustics footers make a positive difference. In my case, my A3s are on hardwood floors. I chos... 
Should I add a DDC? Looking for experienced advise please.
@yyzsantabarbara I agree with you. Long ago I compared an overbuilt mini PC to my since sold, Innuos Zenith Mk3 with PhoenixUSB. The comparison involved running Roon core. The overbuilt fanless miniPC (since then, an Intel NUC running ROCK) beat t... 
Agree. Qobuz sounds best.   
New ebay payments require SS#?
@oregonpapa Bravo!!  
Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.
Back during the 2021 Holiday Season ASR came out with a review which found that the power output on the Starke Sound AD4-320 was far below the stated company specs for that amp. To my knowledge, Starke never responded to the ASR review with any da... 
Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.
@orchardaudio good to know!  
Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.
@juanmanuelfangioii I have sold off my big heavy class AB amps. Besides the tube integrateds I have, I have now amassed a bench of Class D amps I am happy with. These include the AGD Audion monoblocks, and a pair of Jeff Rowland Model 125 amps tha... 
Niagara 5000 Vs Torus RM20 or PS Audio Power Plant 12
IMO the PS Audio PowerPlant P12 is out as it is fan cooled at the bottom. Pick it up and look at the underside. Those fans make noise. The PowerPlant P20 on the jther hand is very good and is passively cooled. No fans.   
Innuos Phoenix USB Reclocker - Sounds Worse?
@nyev  I have an AQ Niagara 1200. But it is not the main power conditioner in my system. But your system seems to be reasonably high end. So are you planning to move up to the Niagara 5000 or so? I perceive the Niagara 1200 to not be the same cali... 
SoundApproach does not honor its agreements
What's the Director of IT Operations doing dealing with customers anyway? Doesn't this outfit have any Customer Service or even Sales people? That’s a great question and I failed to ask him why he was involved in my written agreement with their... 
Onkyo has filed for bankruptcy
I remember when I was a kid and I was lucky enough in high school to have my own system which I got at Tech Hifi. I had a Philips GA-212 turntable with AT cart, a lower end Sansui receiver and a pair of EPI 120 speakers. I later steam cleaned cook...