
Responses from kingbr

Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Thank you @otherworld74, but that would require me to connect to my laptop, no? That’s what I was trying to avoid… I did verify last night that the Audio Line Up Test Tone on Qobuz works when I ran it through my Bluesound Node in my second system... 
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Thanks so much @mapman! This is great! Seems like I’m safe as kittens getting what I need through Qobuz which is awesome because I really didn’t want to have to connect my laptop to my system..,   One other question for All. Right now I have 3 d... 
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
@rick_n  Thank you! Great info😊   @audphile1 Thanks for following up my friend😊. Hermes just arrived this afternoon. Waiting until tomorrow to introduce to the system. Because any time I need to add anything it is a project due to space constrai... 
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
NICE! That’s awesome @gkelly! The 1 track in particular for left and right sweep should work… Thank you again @erik_squires! You All are the best👍🏻  
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
@erik_squires  if you don’t mind me asking, where did you get those test tracks? I just need something to send signal to left and right to ensure settings are aligned between Hermes and Pontus  
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Thanks @erik_squires. I do have the Ayre system burn in CD but that doesn’t do left and right channel test tones…  
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Thanks @audphile1 I have searched and haven’t found anything yet. Tried to reach out to Qobuz waiting for reply…   I’m assuming since CD player and Streamer will be connected to Hermes as long as I can get the test tones for either that would wo... 
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Run test tones should say...  
Songs that no matter how many times you listen, you never get tired of them
Roundabout! Great great call @bassbuyer  -live version from Classic Yes!  
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
@mesonto COMPLETELY agree. Would only add everything from Wilson Audio!  
The HARD ROCK & HEAVY METAL Thread Continued
Iron Maiden - "The Evil That Men Do" From Maiden England 88 Live. The greatest live metal song of all time. If listening to this doesn't get your juices racing then you need a pulse check!  
Should I add a DDC?
Thanks @dz13 as both are DENAFRIPS they are compatible. Just have to find the right combo. That’s the only thing I’m concerned about. But there is a video from Alvin at Vinshine and he sent it to me detailing how to find the right combo.   @jast... 
Should I add a DDC?
Thanks All, very helpful! Thank you again @jastralfu I was going to ask where can I get the test tones? I'd have to play them through my streamer, correct? I will have Eversolo to Hermes via USB then HDMI from Hermes to Pontus. Where can I get the... 
Should I add a DDC?
@fthompson251 Thanks man! Appreciate the support. If I get the undistorted music, why is it necessary to do the test tones as well?  
Should I add a DDC?
 @jastralfu  thank you! So yours worked first time? You didn’t have to play with the settings? So hope that will be the case for me..   @audphile1 I read a review that specifically stated that going this route is still less costly than bumping u...