Responses from knotscott
Incredible improvement in sound quality Whatever the change, whatever the cause....."better" is better regardless. 😎 Enjoy! You got me thinking though...I'm going to investigate similar! | |
Does anyone know how to adjust the speed of a Teac TN300 beyond the built in adjustments There might be some useful info in this thread about a similar issue: | |
A$$ & Ears Not all speakers are configured the same way, but I prefer ear height to be at the acoustic center between the mid/midbass driver and tweeter, not at tweeter height. With many speakers, that puts ear height a few inches below tweeter, but it can d... | |
Fremer's Single-leg panel is absolute tweak bs Lets keep this narrowly focused on discussions of 1 leg or 2 to a panel, and best practices. I've always liked the logic of using two legs to share (and halve) the current load, as it pertains to larger motors in a residential circuit. Each l... | |
OMG - Room Acoustics are Critical - WAF be dam-ed!. @dadork Who are all of these men that are so afraid of their women? Afraid to move a lamp or throw pillow? It is our house too. LOL...I'm a pretty sturdy 235 pounder, outweigh my wife by 110lbs, and back down from nearly no one, yet I ask mys... | |
OMG - Room Acoustics are Critical - WAF be dam-ed!. I feel ya! When my wife leaves, I pull the speakers out where they can breath, and move the furniture around. It bothers her if she even "knows" about, whether she can see it or not, LOL😄 ...and yep...the room matters! | |
Bi-Wiring The impact of bi-wiring is often subtle, if even audible, but there are a lot of variables, and some get very noticeable results. One size does not fit all, so there’s not an absolute single correct answer whether or not there are immediately audi... | |
How does a speaker blow out? Organ music can be pretty demanding, but it seems something’s amiss. I’m running a pair of KT66s in triode that produce in the 10-12 watt range, and am able to power 89db sensitivity speakers fairly loud in a large space, Granted I haven't fed the... | |
Optical Phono Cartridges I got to hear a DS Audio DS-W3 a couple of weeks ago. It was on the front end of a very impressive system that sounded darn good to me. It's not new technology, but it was new to me, and is the latest in advancements for it. | |
DIY Amp has the VTA amps ST70, ST120, ST35, and M125 monoblocks. I’ve built two of the VTA 70 pcb mods into my old Dyna 70s, and got great results and good support. | |
McIntosh preamps What kind of sound difference or improvement are you looking for? | |
Previous Ownership...does it matter to you? Lying is not right, but I’m far more concerned about the merits of the piece itself, condition, function, price, and availability. | |
8-10k budget suggestions please I think your 804s could sound really good on a decent tube amp. I’d consider looking into Prima Luna, Rogue, Willsenton, Nighthawk, or even VTA by I’d also consider upgrading some crossover components in your 804s....better caps, b... | |
What sound diff. can I expect from PrimaLuna EVO 400 pre and power amps VS an EVO400 int. The specific tubes being used can be a variable if they're not exactly the same. I definitely prefer to stay with all tube, but I suppose it depends somewhat on what speakers you're driving. Switching to SS will sound different. | |
HIFI Speaker active crossovers ... Like everything else, there are outstanding and poor examples of each type, and there are pros and cons to each. Many crossovers have to address multiple issues as well as the basic function of blocking low or high frequencies. The execution of th... |