

Responses from koenvingerhoets

How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
Just to close the discussion: I ended up buying an Eversolo DMP-A6 Master Edition and an SSD drive. Works like a charm, looks splendid and being able to store all DSD files on it is quite handy. Favourite SACD by far: KRAFTWERK - Minimum-Maximum.... 
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
Thanks for your feedback @erik_squires . I've a NUC for Roon (the ROCK setup), doesn't it require more power than a Pi4B can deliver? The challenge here is that my DSD collection is very limited and kept on a USB stick. Would Roon see the stick a... 
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
Dear all, just an update. I got it working but you'll never guess how. I ran into the guide below, explaining how to install a music streamer on a Raspberry Pi4B. I had one laying around by accident. So I installed Volumio on it, bought a higher ... 
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
Thanks @yage - I'm like 80% convinced I've changed that 10 times to DSD but that it jumps back. I'll pay more attention to it. The "DoP for Converter" is unchecked.  
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
So I plunged the deep end and turned my (work) laptop into a audio player. Installed the T+A USB driver, installed Foobar2000, installed the AISO & DSD components, etc. I found the right USB cable, connected my laptop and after some fiddling w... 
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
Thanks for getting back to me. @jazzman7 : It's afaik what happens - Roon downsamples as I'm now relying on a network infrastructure rather than a USB connection with a PC. I'll take a screenshot this evening.  Indeed - only through the "USB DAC... 
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup?
Thank you for your reactions @lordmelton : a DSD album on a usb stick, not SACD The MP doesn't see DSD (*.dsf) files, so I can't plug in and play. That's exactly the issue. @jazzman7 : They are on my NAS, but Roon transforms it into PCM and dow... 
Sound quality of Roon
Hi! Tested Roon for a month as a replacement / plan B for BlueSound OS and to connect with my T+A MP3100HV streamer. Upgraded to life time, bought a NUC using their excellent user fora and never looked back. I'm streaming in flac from my basement,... 
most beautiful (looking) speakers
I actually had Totem Forest speakers - I was looking / waiting for them for over a decade. But then... I walked into a shop and noticed the ones below even before hearing them. The metal rings almost shine and broke my heart (and wallet).  I added... 
Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)
You're welcome @waltersalas I had the REL before the Fyne's. I doubt I would buy the REL if I had the Fyne's first. They manage really well, it's surprising but as you now, they have a 360° / downfiring approach; Works well.No weakness experienced... 
Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)
These are nice amps @mofojo ! And slightly more portable than the 40kg of the PA 3100 HV. Looks nice indeed. I admit I love the sober bulkiness of the T+A. Nothing fancy - just music. I thought about separated amps @arcticdeth.  I even considered ... 
Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)
Hi @waltersalas ,Reading the feedback about McIntosh, I started digging deeper on shipping requirements and after care. The unsettling higher cost finally tipped me over to look further, for a more local brand. Eventually, I went for a German bran... 
Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)
Thank you for your reaction @chayro . I'm alas from Europe. Which also means the price of a McIntosh is 150% of the USA. (MA9000 = 11.000 USD => more or less 9.500 EUR ; retain price here is 14.200 EUR = more or less 16.500 USD). I bet it's the... 
Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)
Thanks @stereo5 and @archguy for your concern. I can pick it up in the original box - so all ok on that side.After reading reviews and comparing technical sheets for hours, I'm focusing on- Hegel H590 (has all the connectivity I need)- Gryphon Dia... 
Which integrated amp for rock/metal (and why McIntosh?)
Thank you for your feedback already. While I set out to see if the MA9000 would be a good match, the last 6 hours I got very interested in the Hegel H590 (power & connectivity), the Gryphon Diablo 300 (mentioned as the best amplifier ever). Th...