

Responses from lak

Circuit breakers and dirty power
I would recommend several dedicated 20 amp circuits and cryogenically treated outlets. See below:Here is some information from several of my posts on Audiogon (another similar topic).“I have experimented over the last year with various wires to us... 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Just as a brief follow-up, I now am auditioning the above interconnects that reference was made to. I’m using two pair of the interconnects and one pair of the same brand speaker cables. I’ll audition them on my tube system and SS system and then ... 
what speaker cables would you use?
Another Speaker cable and interconnect to check-out is Ridge Street Midnight Silveredition. A real some what unheard of (at least to me), but a KILLER! 
Kudos to the USPS
Yep, me too. I've shipped lots of smaller gear with the USPS Priority Mail and have been very pleased! 
Premier 11a good 4 ohms?
CJ told me to run the Premier 11-A as it was set up on both 8 ohm and/or 4 ohm speakers. They said it would not hurt a thing and would sound better. I don't remember the reasoning behind it but perhaps someone more knowledgeable than myself could ... 
Purist Audio Colossus speaker cables... wow
Contact Bill at GTT. He is very knowledgeable and carries many brands. He's the type of guy that will give you an honist opinion, without trying to sell you something. 
Help Please: What Cartridge?
Psychicanimal,Not the correct place to post this but...To set the record straight and be perfectly honest, I’d say based upon the short two hour audition of your (not totally broken in interconnects), they sounded better on my modest small tube sy... 
Solar Powered Stereo?
Twl,I would also like to thank you for all your help and guidance with DC power and other endeavors! 
Solar Powered Stereo?
You need to talk to TWL! 
Heads up for earwax.
Bstueche,What method was used to clean out the wax? 
Cryo treated wires?
I have personally done some experimentation with deep immersion cryo treatment v. non-cryo’d on numerous AC outlets, electrical wiring 10 gauge of various types, to a lesser extent power cords, interconnects and very shortly speaker cables (waitin... 
Cryo treated wires?
From a past post I made:What does not survive cryo treatment well are:1) Metal Oxide Varistor, an electronic component used in surge suppression [they cracked]. 2) Silicone compounds for damping [they shrunk a bit and hardened].3) Neoprene rubber ... 
Opinions on Pure Note cables
When you do your search on Audiogon you will see my very positive comments! 
BMI Whale Elite Power Cord for a Tube Preamp?
I use a Whale Elite on my Presence Sound preamp and Cary 2A3 monoblocks. It works well. 
Ultimate Outlet 1 vs. 2 for Mono amps
I have done various testing along the line of outlets (regular v. cryo'd); various wire for dedicated AC lines, equipment operating from one dedicated line and outlet v. two etc. I think you are correct, it depends upon the various brand names and...