Responses from lalitk
AURALiC Aries price reduction +1 Aurender N100H. Top notch sound / build quality and best app, period. | |
SOtM dCBL-CAT7 LAN Cable @mikeg I just checked site and don't see a price increase on dCBL-CAT7. Did you get a pop up for 10% discount? | |
power for mc452 and c2600 ei001h,While I have not compared your list of powerstrips with Isotek directly, my recommendation was based on various demos at Audio shows. They would have been a obvious choice for my 2ch/HT system if I wasn't so heavily invested in Nordost QRT ... | |
power for mc452 and c2600 @ei001h,I would highly recommend evo3-Sirius. It's very neutral and doesn't limit dynamics. It will be a ideal match for McIntosh components which are very clean and natural sounding components.I believe you can try one in your system risk free fr... | |
Rowland versus ARC @serious7,That's quite a interesting setup you have, btw great system. I bet your system sounds phenomenal. When i went from all solid state (Classe, Krell) to all tube ARC setup, I was in same dilemma with my power hungry monsters - B&W 800D2... | |
DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices "adding a USB to SPDIF converter to run AES/EBU between it and the DAC is not much different than adding the USB gizmos"Dave, one exception in your scenario; the Aurender USB Audio 2.0 to SPDIF ( COAX ) Converter does not require external PSU comp... | |
DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices @sunseekerespana, I couldn't agree with you anymore. Some of my friends have jumped through hoops to get the best possible sound out of USB. Like yourself, I have gone the Ethernet ➡️ AES/EBU route and very happy with my setup. | |
Room treatments @davehrab,You brought up some excellent points. I am a newbie when it comes to room treatments. I have been on fence for while, I guess my biggest dilemma is where do I start. My room is 30' W x 10' D x 8' H. As is my room sound pretty good but i... | |
SOtM dCBL-CAT7 LAN Cable @mikeg I would say YES! The 'Filter' block and eliminates the wide band digital noise inflow from the router or NAS. The dCBL-CAT7 cable in my system sounds amazing over my previous non-filtered cable. The overall soundstage is touch more airy, de... | |
How Is MQA Fareing? @shadorne In the words of Peter McGrath, an accomplished recording engineer, A/B comparison between unprocessed hi-rez files of his orchestral recordings, followed by the time-corrected MQA versions, the differences were quite profound. The MQA ve... | |
How Is MQA Fareing? @shadorne I thought the article was pretty self explanatory on how MQA files are being decoded through non-MQA and MQA compatible DAC's. If you want to learn more about MQA, there are plenty of articles related to MQA on worldwide web. Cheers! | |
How Is MQA Fareing? For the benefit of those still unclear about how MQA works, this is a very nice article about demystifying the ambiguity surrounding the MQA, | |
How Is MQA Fareing? ejr1953, That's good to know. But I don't own a headphone or turntable. Like yourself I am very content with spinning my modest and rare collection of SACD's, XRCD's and K2HD's. I got into digital streaming couple of year back for the sheer conve... | |
How Is MQA Fareing? ejr1953,I appreciate your candid feedback. I can totally relate to above as I experience these very same attributes while listening to my 24bit/192kHz downloads vs. Tidal HiFi. I must add, as good as Tidal HiFi is on 16bit/44.1kHz recordings, high... | |
We've owned B&W speakers since late 80's @jond , great advise on working with a B&M dealer and attending the RMAF. The operator will be able to preview audio components and speakers at a very wide price range. |