

Responses from lalitk

Nordost Odin or Valhalla 2
ebm, you seem to be a huge proponent of Odin cables :-) Thank you all for your feedback.   
Is there a Blu-Ray player that does SACD and has Audiophile quality sound?
I would like to add Pioneer BDP-88FD to the list. While you can't beat best value offerings from Oppo and Cambridge Audio, Pioneer produced great sounding and well built reference players over the years.  whatjd, if I may suggest, you might as wel... 
Bryston vs Modwright?
1+ facten 
Aurender N10 compared to Bryston BDP2
1+ hgeifman.  N10 is an amazing player, I strongly recommend a audition at your local dealer and you will know why everyone love this player.   
Speaker Hiss with Krell Amp
audiolabyrinth, I have gone through the whole excercise to isolate the 'hiss' last year.  I had the same experience when I owned Krell Showcase series, and now Evolution series. Going by the test sequence, with everything else being off and discon... 
Speaker Hiss with Krell Amp
dsper,If you are hearing 'hiss' 3 feet away then something else is also contributing to that noise.  Unless you favor Krell sound over the rest of the aforementioned components I would not recommend Krell amp in your setup.  In my setup, I only he... 
Speaker Hiss with Krell Amp
dsper, I also own Krell evolution series components.  The hiss you're hearing is common among Krell components. As long as 'hiss' sound is not audible 5-7 feet away, you're A-ok. Here is a in-depth article that explains audible hiss,http://www.gca... 
Which CD\SACD?
Look for Denon DVD-5910, I used to own this player.  IMO, last true reference player produced by Denon.  You can get it probably under 1K.  
Audience Au24 SX cables
jafant, Please check your email for list of gear.  Thank you! 
Best Drum Solos
Great pieces of music...keep it coming!Dave Brubeck - Take Five 
Sellers Beware!!!
nguyenson123, Thank you for your feedback.  "Music has no language barriers. It's just music, you could just listen to it and feel it"The purpose of this post to create awareness against buyers that are not upfront and honest. The two individuals ... 
Power conditioning from the ground up
rippet,"went straight into the duplex"  That's interesting.  May I know what conditioner you are (were) using? Do you have a dedicated circuit for your room?  
Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting
ebm, I like that :-) 
Audience Au24 SX cables
Sorry, don't own phono cable.   
Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting
Thank you for sharing. I applaud Audiogon for adding this feature.  But they should allow user defined threshold for our listings, just like eBay. Many of us expressed concerns over the ridiculous low ball offers. I do sell quite a bit here and ma...