
Responses from lapierre

Wondering Aloud?
My friend just finished his research on HT processors and ended purchasing Anthem AVM-50v. Too many features to list but was impressed with DAC, digital audio management, video upscaling 1080 for all video.Quatros. I had a chance to listen to them... 
Cary 306 Pro opinions
Considered Cary 306, Audio Aero Capitole, and Emm Labs EMM Labs CDSA SE CD/SACD. I could have gone with the Cary 306 but at the end I just like the Emm Labs for details, clarity, and more vinyl like sound. The 306 has more slam with a better trans... 
Best tube amp under 3000$?
Consider the following used components on the GoN: Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Conrad Johnson LP66S McIntosh MC275 Quicksilver Monos Silver 90s Audio Research VS110 
An honest opinion about upgrading?
A bit of research shows S8 impedance to be more challenging to drive:Minimum impedance: 4.2Ω at 92HzNominal impedance: 6Ω 
An honest opinion about upgrading?
That's a $64k question Bob. Always look for the low hanging fruit before making system component changes. But here are some suggestions:IC/Cables - For more details upgrade your cables. For example, look into purchasing upper mid level IC (hopeful... 
CDP for McIntosh MA6900
I'm with Rtaylor...MCD 500 I would think is the better match. 
Arcam AVR-600 or NAD T785HD?
The AVR-300 has been positive for me. It is quiet which is important when your listening to dialog from a movie and it does it's job when switching to different sources (cable, DVR, CD, iPod). Size is also another plus as some of the other AVR wer... 
Arcam AVR-600 or NAD T785HD?
Arcam.I have the AVR-300. The AVR-600 is a beast with the digital inputs, XRL inputs, and optional rDock provides a great platform for your iPod. I don't know if the 1080p video scaling is as good as Anthems. 
Mac C2300 vs Aesthetix Calypso/Rhea?
Rick that is a good question. My audition lead me to several Pre Amps including Shindo, Aesthetix's, C2300 and McIntosh C46 which I ended up buying. But I could have easily bought the Aesthetix's and tweaked with upgraded tubes and fuses. Within a... 
Thoughts on Snow Leopard and USB to DAC audio
From reading several different reports on the Snow Leopard....Applications should launch faster along with faster interactions times like syncing songs. 
Playing iPod thru car system?
If you don't have an integrated iPod kit where it is controlled through the LCD touch panel via firewire it just becomes annoying to turn the "pod" on and off. At first I was okay with this interaction but later as I used it more and more I quit f... 
What to use - a McIntosh MC202 or a MC7300?
Not sure you going to hear the difference with the larger MC7300 to power the rears. I would go with the MC202.I have 250 watts Musical fidelity amp on my fronts. And 100 watts on the center and rear channel. 
full range speaker suggestions
Budget? Speakers researched:Audio Note AN-E/SPe HECremona MHelicon 400IIMarten Miles IIIAvalon IndraHorning Aristoteles Ultimate 
Suitable tube preamp for pass labs x250
Janhavjar I really like these three preamps for various reason. Aesthetix's Saturn Calypso McIntosh C2300Shindo Monbrison or AuriegesHappy listening. 
Divorcing..Splitting the cd collection..
If you're retiring go get yourself a killer hifi system and give up the CD collection.