Responses from larry_s
Gremlins Emerge with Switch to Windows 7 Sorry, link was mangled. Try this: | |
Gremlins Emerge with Switch to Windows 7 CW, here's the link I was talking about: | |
Gremlins Emerge with Switch to Windows 7 CW,Make sure you are bypassing the internal windows mixer. SPDIF settings should not be coming into play when using USB output. In another current thread (near the end of it) here somebody posted a link to the dCS "cookbook" for setting up compute... | |
experience with Bryston BDA-1 ? One thing I found out recently wrt JRiver V14 (free version) is that you can no longer use ASIO/WASAPI etc. output or secure rips. Spending the $$$ on the media center is no big deal to get the features back but it's overkill for just sending PCM ... | |
NIN Pretty Hate Machine remaster Thanks, Vinylvin. I listened to my 1989 CD last night for the first time in a while. New disc will be here Tuesday.Stevecham - You didn't follow my link. The 1989 disc has twice the dynamic range of the new disc. | |
NIN Pretty Hate Machine remaster Remaster seems to be made much louder than 1989 release losing some dynamics. Good for ear buds and cars, bad for critical listening. I almost didn't get the new release but for $7 I had to order and will hear for myself and compare it to my 1989 ... | |
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts March 31, 1970 Phila. Spectrum - Led ZeppelinApril 1977(?) Fox Theater, Atlanta - The Tubes (night before was Dixie Dregs opening for Santana, saw that too)Early 70's - Tower Theater, Phila - Genesis, David Bowie (and the Spiders from Mars), Beck,... | |
J River MC 15 - Settings for DVD playback REQUESTE Did you click on the link? Clicking on the link takes me to the JRiver forums. AVS is | |
J River MC 15 - Settings for DVD playback REQUESTE Oops, forgot the "o". Goto the JRiver .... | |
J River MC 15 - Settings for DVD playback REQUESTE Got the JRiver forum: or AVS forums in the HTPC section. | |
Ayre QB-9 vs. W4S DAC2 thru USB? Lewinski,My only comparison is to my Esoteric DX50. I can't hear a difference in my setup and I'm quite pleased with it. Rest of my stuff is in my system page that should be linked with post.larry | |
Ayre QB-9 vs. W4S DAC2 thru USB? As long as your PC software is setup correctly to pass the PCM unmolested to the USB port, it really doesn't matter what PC you are using. Most, if not all, popular software players can be setup correctly. All you are doing is ripping CDs to .WAV ... | |
USB cable..what do you have. Mihaitaa, I'm calling shenanigans. How does the USB cable change the speed of the bits going across the wire? We already know the bits themselves make it intact over a "regular" USB cable or else we wouldn't be able to USB on a computer. The probl... | |
Why not a run high quality USB cable Thanks, Steve, for the reply. For $15 I decided to try the cable referenced above to satisfy my own curiosity. I connected it between my "front end" netbook and Ayre QB-9. I used my 5M USB 2.0 cable for a total of 15M of USB cable. I couldn't hear... | |
Why not a run high quality USB cable Steve,Does the repeater "screw up" the timing of the stream so that implementations that depend on "constant" USB rate for clock recovery don't work? If so, async USB may not be affected. The price is so cheap, I may just get one and try it with m... |