
Responses from larryi

Personal amp evolution
1. Pioneer Integrated (@1975)2. Hafler (kit)3. Adcom 5554. Classe 1755. Custom made 2a3 (pp tube,Chicago transformer) (obviously I bought high-efficiency speakers)6. Custom made 45 (pp,Acrosound TO-330 transformer)(still own this amp)7. Audionote ... 
THE Show - worth going?
T.H.E. Show is located right next to the Alexis Park where the audio side of CES holds its show. Admission is free and there is no hassle or waiting to get in. There is easily more than a whole day's worth of things to see at T.H.E. Show. Because ... 
Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?
No. There is always something that I wish my system could do more of, or less of, and if any component can provide it, it would be a coveted item. Not knowing which component would do that to my system, makes it impossible to say any particular co... 
Anybody blow a ceramic woofer with an OTL amp?
I am a bit leery of OTL's. I know that if a tube does fail, they will not actually pass D.C. because they are coupled by a capacitor, but still, I worry. A friend borrowed a Joule Electra OTL and it was subject to intermittent popping. On his horn... 
"Analog" = bloated, rolled off, soft and mushy?
I don't have any idea how tube is equated to analog and solid state to digital. Apples and orange kind of comparison. I also find it interesting that some people equate tube and analog sound with a loss of excitement and transparency, and equate d... 
Anyone have current experience with TAD-1 speaker
I heard them twice at shows -- at CEDIA under extremely poor conditions, and at CES. In both instances the speakers were quite striking for their incredibly realistic dynamics, detail and bass and treble extension. However, these speakers had a ve... 
Opinion's on XLO's Limited Edition cables
I like the limited inerconnects and the speaker cables are terrific too. Unlike some other interconnects and cables, you are not making a choice between deep extended bass or top end "air" and sparkle. It delivers everything. I am not really that ... 
ultimate final word best cd set up
It's hard to make any definitive judgment about any single component given the issue of how one component complements another. I have head the $14k Burmester player. It sounds warm and rich and smooth. I've heard various Grand Utopia speakers and ... 
Speakers that work close to the back wall
Audionote speakers work quite well placed 2-3 feet from the front wall.I heard, at CES, the Gradient speaker working quite close to the walls of a small hotel room (about 1.5 ft) and they sounded quite good in that location. This is a compact, nic... 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
Demos of the following were so dramatically better/different from what I was used to listening to, the experience was thrilling:Wilson Maxx/Halcro multi-channel system at CES.Apogee Scintilla, Apogee Diva/DAXCustom Speaker system utilizing giant W... 
Listening to my HD650's, a sobering experience...
I have a pair of Stax Omega II headphones (same thing as Xiekitchen) which I rarely use. I like the sound of music emanating from real space, not sounds in my head. Phones are great if detail is placed above all other consideration. The Stax are s... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Avguru,The Audionote site is: top-of-the-line stuff is crazy expensive, even more than the Goldmund stuff. But, the level 4 stuff is in the ballpark you folks have been exploring. My Naim CDS3 is, at @ $15,000 retail, a bargain ... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
AVGURU,Now that you've got the tube bug, you must audition an Audionote DAC, particularly at the 4 and 5 level. These deliver the "magic" -- solid, palpable and realistic feel that is often missing from CD/SACD players that emphasize detail and "a... 
Any opinions on the Symposium Acoustics Platforms?
I utilize Svelte Shelves under my floorstanding speakers. I know of a number of other people who do this and they also get good results (tighter bass and improved clarity).I also utilize an Ultra platform and roller blocks under my preamp. My prea... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Sounds like you are going to have some fun! I can see how important redbook is to you. If you can find a dealer, you must hear the various Audionote DACs. I've heard the DAC 4 with an Audionote transport and the DAC 5 signature with Audionote tran...