

Responses from larsman

What is PRaT
There are acronyms just about anywhere you look. If any are mysterious and you want to know what they mean, there's this Google thing that makes it very easy and you can find out in seconds; what's wrong with looking up the meaning of something? D... 
So much music that we never hear!
Another reason there's so much music you never hear is because there is so much music out there, even in any particular genre, that you'd need several lifetimes just to make a dent in hearing everything. But with Qobuz, Tidal, Roon, etc, there's n... 
So much music that we never hear!
@tablejockey + 1 I think since the 21st century, anyway, the influence of 'radio' has declined somewhat dramatically - there are just so many more ways to check out and listen to music, like this new-fangled 'streaming' stuff... 😆  
Where the heck are all these manufacturers coming from!
A lot of wonderful, relatively new manufacturers are coming out of Eastern European countries - Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, etc etc... I've got an Auris Nirvana tube headphone amp from Serbia...  
How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
Personally, I don't care at all about measurements - I'm the one doing the listening, not a device of some kind. I guess what I listen for when comparing systems to see which I prefer, I probably listen for the bass first, to see if it sounds tigh... 
Beatles Get Back documentary
There was a great review of it in the San Francisco Chronicle this morning; I'll take that one with a bit of a grain of salt, as the reviewer considers 'Long and Winding Road' a 'masterpiece', while I regard it as maudlin schlock I'd be happy to n... 
Is participating in this Forum infringing on and spoiling some of your listening time?
Interesting question. While I can walk and chew gum at the same time (if I chewed gum), I've never been one for reading and listening to music at the same time. I read A LOT. I listen to music A LOT. I watch movies, telly, vids A LOT. A time for e... 
Holiday Music Challenge
I don't think Silver Spring, MD had a sound! 😆 But it does have a Fillmore Auditorium!   
What is the best USB cable under $500 for a natural presentation and good detail ?
I don't know if it's 'the best', but I use a Black Dragon cable from Moon Audio and I'm quite pleased with the quality of the cable and the sound.... @jerrybj - I've got some Mad Scientist stuff, too! Straight outa New Zealand!    
Seeking A New DAC - Recommendations
For your preferred sound, I would recommend looking at Chord gear; maybe a Mojo or a Hugo 2? Their stuff tends to always be too 'dry' and analytical for my taste, but that might be right up your alley!   
Herron Audio VTPH-2A - Modwright PH 9.0X - Icon audio ps1 mkii
I've got a Herron VTSP-360-Ref preamp and a Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp, and they are both magic. Keith puts some serious mojo into his gear. I'm glad I was able to get this stuff while he was still making them. I like tube gear that looks like tu... 
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
I would not have wanted to see the Beatles in concert - girls shrieking in my ears over a crap-sounding PA for 40 minutes would not be my idea of a good time; the band didn't even like it. So glad they went for studio magic instead.  I do wish I'... 
Best mp3 song set as ringtone?
Not a ringtone, but I was watching some TV show or movie, I forget which one, but somebody had a ringtone of a blood-curdling scream! Now THAT I thought was cool. And funny as can be!   
Tube Preamps that work well with SS amps?
I use an MSB S-200 SS power amp and a Herron Audio VTSP-360 tube preamp. They go very nicely together because both are very neutral and uncolored. The tube preamp neither looks nor sounds like a piece of tube gear, and the power amp will amplify w... 
Tube Vs. SS Preamps
I use an MSB S-200 SS power amp, and a Herron Audio tube preamp; it's a great preamp, cause it looks like it's SS - no tubes sticking out anywhere and the sound is about as neutral as you can get with tubes; works very well with the MSB as that is...