

Responses from larsman

RE: the question: ":Why do forum interactions become contentious". . .
@NoNoise - that saying 'If you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans', has been around for a long, long time.... Nobody on here invented it!  
Grateful Dead- Sotheby's Auction
There is no 'Dead Head generation' - go to any GD-related shows and you'll see fans of all ages; new ones are being brought into the fold all the time. This will keep going for a long, long time, as it should.  
I agree with Keef
I'm sure most people rocking and dancing to 'Brown Sugar' are thinking about the horrors of slavery. Yeah, Keef, you betcha...  
The truth about why modern music is so awful.
So all this new music is coming out all the time and none of it is as good as 'the old days'? Baaa. I'm 70 years old and enjoy contemporary pop and indie rock a lot more than Crosby Steals my Hash, Fleetwood Mac, Eagles etc etc.... Of course there... 
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
What IS the reason the phrase 'Rap is Crap' exists, then, Pauly? I don't happen to like jazz, blues, country, opera, etc, but I'm sure not going to say it's all 'crap' because I don't happen to care for it.  
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
Great review! I've got a Holo May Kitsune and totally love it; it's replaced the DAVE and M Scaler in my headphone system and sounds great with my Eddie Current Studio B amp! Never heard of LKS Audio, but that's pretty cool!  
What do "audiophiles" use to judge equipment?
@nonoise  + 1 
Cable for Hifi Man Sundaras
I recently got a 20-foot Black Dragon cable for my Susvaras, from Moon Audio. I can't really compare cables very well, but this sounds pretty good to me, and they're pretty reasonably priced... 
You can go home again
I don't live in a dorm room anymore, so the sound I hear is nothing like what I hear now, and my gear back then was crap anyway, so for me, it's a whole lot better now; nothing was baked into my brain except my brain itself, that got plenty baked!... 
Ever Been Too High?
I've got a Hybrid Volcano - works great! Goes great with a music listening session, of course.... 
Looking For Best Headphones
No such thing as 'the best', just 'what you like the best'...  
Music Direct and my recent exoeriences
I've bought gear from Music Direct - I think they're fine; never had any problems and everything arrived as it should when it should. I've also bought used gear from the Music Room, and I've been happy with them as well... 
Aren't you sorry you missed out on this one? It's already sold out! LOL
I like seeing things like this even though I'm not buying; it's interesting cross-marketing and it's good business practice. Nothing wrong with wanting to sell more of the product you make. Whether the aesthetics appeal to somebody, well, that's w... 
How important is the pre-amp?
When I added a Herron Audio tube pre-amp to my system, it was an immense change, and all for the better. I had been using an MSB DAC into an MSB power amp, but now I've got that DAC running into the preamp, which in turn runs into the power amp, a... 
Are Quicksilver power tube amps in the same league as VAC, VTL, BAT, ARC, ...?
I've got a Quicksilver tube headphone amp, and for the money (under $1000), it is excellent!! Sounds great and very well made....